Easter egg: On the 2-disc Special Edition, on Disc One, go to the Special Features menu and select Main Menu, then hit down. This highlights a previously unseen shape (cat food maybe?) that leads to a selection of Official "Overheard at the Monitor" Quotes from Guillermo del Toro.
Easter egg: On the U.S. version, there are terrific little nuggets in the newspaper "Far Far Away Times". It's located by following this path: Special Features > More > Far Far Away Times. When you get to the page with the newspaper, you can scroll through more than a dozen pages of really witty and amusing "articles", although you can only read the headlines. Starting on the third page - and on many, many pages thereafter - use the "up" arrow to highlight other parts of the pages. It's a real treasure trove. You'll find Fiona's diary (in its entirety), medieval graffiti, tapestries of the King and Queen in their younger days, medieval street signs, posters for musical acts (like the band "Stonehenge" and "Chastity Belt's World Tour"), Before and After pictures (including the transvestite bartender!), Fairy Godmother's various Potions and the Poison Apple's Drink Menu.
Easter egg: 2nd disc: Go into the Great Hall and choose "The Quest of Sir Cadogan". During the introduction to the challenge, between the part when you see Sir Cadogan sleeping (maybe) and when he gives flowers to a girl, hit the left arrow on your remote and you'll automatically go to the picture gallery (which you will also get to if you play the challenge and get the highest rank). You'll still have to play the challenge afterwards, though, unless if you hit Menu.
Easter egg: On Full Screen DVD, go to Special Features, and then to Orphaned Scenes. To the left of the words "Dismal Deletions and Obnoxious Outtakes," there is a picture of Olaf. Right below his right hand is a wheel. Click on it, and it will take you to "Count Olaf's Ghastly Ghost Story."
Easter egg: When you go into the special features, there is a game featuring Char and the fan club. If you want to skip to the "reward", press the left arrow and it will highlight the bottom of Chars picture with a little flower. Press enter and it will come up with the "reward".