Trivia: Satan is actually played by a woman - the Italian actress Rosalinda Celentano.

Trivia: If you listen very carefully to the part where Al MIchaels says, "Do you believe in miracles? YES...", you'll notice that it's from the original broadcast of the game in 1980. All other play-by-play was re-done by Michaels as the movie was produced. The reason they used the original 1980 broadcast for just that specific moment is that Michaels had a difficult time recreating the emotion and excitement he felt when shouting it as it really happened.

Trivia: Due to the political situation in Iraq, the location for scale shots was moved from Morocco to Mexico, an ideal alternate choice with its broad beach. However, the rushed decision presented some obstacles. Coastal Mexico is an endangered turtle habitat, so to be granted permission to set up the Greek encampment and build boats on the large stretch of beach, the film crew implemented their own turtle incubation nursery, releasing a multitude of turtles while on location in Mexico. They also did not have an accurate idea of the physical conditions of that particular beach - it was unstable and 100 feet of beach washed away overnight, leaving Greek ships teetering precariously on the edge of the bank with the missing sand.

Trivia: Viggo Mortensen liked the horse that was used in the movie so much that he bought it.

Trivia: When Marty is aiming the gun and preparing to shoot, he is saying his teachers names. All of the names of the "teachers" are actually names of the crew members.

Trivia: There is a carnival scene in the movie which actually took place in Times Square in New York. The cast and crew had to run around after it to get a perfect shot.

Trivia: Apparently the beginning of the movie, where Oliver's wife dies, is based on a personal fear of Kevin Smith - he was terrified his wife would die while giving birth to their daughter and didn't know how he would survive.

Trivia: When Amelia does her makeup at the table while sitting with Viktor, she pulls out an Elizabeth Arden compact. Catherine Zeta-Jones, who played Amelia, is currently a spokeswoman for Elizabeth Arden cosmetics.