Sing: No more soccer.

Jan: For all revolutions, one thing is clear... even if some didn't work, the most important thing is that the best ideas survived. The same goes for personal revolts. What turns out good, what survives in you that makes you stronger.

Samuel Bicke: What about my rights?
Bonny Simmons: You got a right to be mad.

Tom: So, let's step on the gas and kick some... butt.

Paquette: What kind of gun did he have?
Costa: He had the kind that leaves really big holes in people.

James 'Rennie' Cray: Can I give you ride?
Molly Poole: Somebody's meeting me.
James 'Rennie' Cray: What about later?
Molly Poole: It's kind of a bad time.
James 'Rennie' Cray: I didn't say we'd enjoy ourselves.
Molly Poole: You promise?
James 'Rennie' Cray: We'll be pitiful.

Oz: What, no Jewish prayer before we have our ham and cheese?
Jimmy: You got a problem with my religiosity, Oz? Do unto others before you turn into a pillar of salt.
Jill: Exactly. Unless they're a rat. Then you can shoot them in the eyes.
Oz: A pillar of salt?
Jimmy: That's right. Moses said that. Read the bible, Oz.

Piper: Ever see a 50-foot shark?
Thomas Mackelway: I'm sorry?
Piper: A 50-foot shark. You ever seen one?
Thomas Mackelway: No.
Piper: Doesn't mean there aren't any.

Carla: Girlfriends, big or small, thin or fat, worship that body, it's the only one you've got.