Flynn Carsen: She may have been in cahoots with Wilde all along! Cahoots... I've been cahooted.

Mrs. Peatree: Are you kidding me? We conduct a nationwide manhunt for you and you're boning the suspect? Did you think this was a joke?"Let's divert federal resources and man hours so I can have my collegiate lesbian fling in style."
Amy: I was doing research.
Mrs. Peatree: I'll bet.

Alan Tracy: Hey, Dad. That stuff the Hood said, about you leaving him to die. He was lying, right?
Jeff Tracy: No. See, you can't save everyone, Alan. It doesn't matter how hard you try or how brave you are. It doesn't even matter if it's someone you love, someone you'd give your life in a second to save. You just can't save everyone.
Alan Tracy: What was Mom like?
Jeff Tracy: She was a lot like you.

Jin: You and I are just pawns on a chessboard.

Rex Harper: Hey. I'll be out in a week. Just another great story for Rex Harper.
Detective Burton: Yeah, in a week you'll be somebody's wife. Let's go.

Hiram Gummer: I feel I've not been privy to critical, most needful information.

Brian Chavez: I'm gonna miss the heat.
Don Billingsley: I'm gonna miss the lights.
Brian Chavez: Yeah, me too. Stay low boys, keep those feet moving.
Don Billingsley: Hey Chavez! Be perfect.
Brian Chavez: You be perfect.
Don Billingsley: See you Mike.

The Beast: What is the name of your technique?
Sing: You wanna learn? I will teach you.

James 'Rennie' Cray: Can I give you ride?
Molly Poole: Somebody's meeting me.
James 'Rennie' Cray: What about later?
Molly Poole: It's kind of a bad time.
James 'Rennie' Cray: I didn't say we'd enjoy ourselves.
Molly Poole: You promise?
James 'Rennie' Cray: We'll be pitiful.

Tom: So, let's step on the gas and kick some... butt.