Factual error: When we see the United States flag, it is the wrong flag. It has 43 stars, something the flag did not have until 1891.

Factual error: In the scene where Inman is helping build the church he is handed modern pre-cut lumber. This product was not introduced until the middle of the 20th century.

Factual error: After Stephen Maturin comes back with a small portion of findings from the Galapagos Islands, he presents a stick insect to Captain Aubrey, but stick insects (Phasmids) don't exist in the Galapagos Islands. (01:41:20)

Factual error: Catus Decianus actually managed to escape from the massacre at Camulodunum and fled to Gaul.

Factual error: Sarah states that Namibia is on the Ivory Coast, while in fact, it is on the Skeleton Coast in southern Africa.

Factual error: Fairfax was not present at the trial of Charles I, although his wife Anne was, (and was forcibly removed after telling the court what she thought of them).

Factual error: At the beginning of the movie, Robert E. Lee addresses Francis P. Blair as 'General' once. Blair however was never a general and in fact never held any military rank.

Factual error: In the opening scene, the German soldiers are searching the Americans. They remove a package of Lucky Strike cigarettes from one of the Americans. This package has the red circle against the green background. Green ink was stopped in 1942 because it uses chromium for green pigment which was necessary for war production of steel. Slogan "Lucky Strike Greens Has Gone to War" was a big advertisement in 1942 with introduction of white background on package.