Visible crew/equipment: In the closeup of Evie when she is holding a spoon under her eyes, you can see the boom mic reflected in each spoon. (01:04:15)

Visible crew/equipment: In the scene where Martin Lawrence and Steve Zahn are in the red station wagon that Steve Zahn was unable to commandeer and was slapped silly for, they drive by a glass building and you see the camera crew and equipment on a platform in front of the vehicle, moving with them. (00:59:05)

Visible crew/equipment: When Sean Penn is outside the motel with the gun, he fires three shots past Benicio Del Toro's head into the ground behind. When Benicio falls to the ground you can see an ear plug in his left ear. (01:49:05)

Visible crew/equipment: When the O'Grady mob are fighting the Angels, Alex turns off the lights. Just after they flip over the men, you can easily see the harnesses at the top of the screen. (00:54:25)

Visible crew/equipment: In the scene of the car chase, when Josh Hartnett is driving the van with the family in it; right before they crash against the wall (in a side angle shot) you can see that the kids in the van are actually stuntmen, because they look a lot bigger than children.

Visible crew/equipment: Near the end, in a shot of Monica and the baddie (just before they get onto the boat) standing beside a large vehicle, the camera is quite close and then it tracks backwards. The reflection of the legs of the steadicam operator walking backwards as he moves the camera, is seen at the side of the car. (01:27:50)

Visible crew/equipment: At one point in the fight in the secret lair of the bad guy, Frankie Muniz jumps sideways over what seems to be an engine block. While he does this, the hood on his hoodie is up, presumably to hide the face of the stunt double, but before and after it is down.

Visible crew/equipment: In the last scene of the movie where Mike and Marcus are both in Marcus's "new" pool, as soon as the pool collapses into the ocean, you can see in the background a crew member standing there as if he was there to "break" the pool and in a quick shot back to where the pool was, he is gone. (02:20:35)

Visible crew/equipment: When Sean Penn is picking out headstones, you can see the tracks and the wheels of the dolly for the camera being reflected in the headstone. (01:30:55)

Visible crew/equipment: At the bullfight a crew member is reflected in Sands' sunglasses in several shots. (00:32:20)

Visible crew/equipment: In the scene with Hardy and the Colonel, in the Colonel's office where they share a drink and the Colonel gets shot, you can see a stage light outside the window as Hardy gets off the phone during the first shot. You can see the light and the gel-frame, looks to be a 5k HMI type light. (DVD)

Visible crew/equipment: In Venice, when they enter the house, the camera crew is reflected on the windshield of the boat. It is very obvious. (00:08:00)

Visible crew/equipment: When Jake introduces Lily and Lupus to the other two guys the white screen is visible in Lupus's left glass lens at the beginning of the scene.

Visible crew/equipment: At the airport when Sona says to Ling "We may have a problem," we can see the movie crew reflected at least twice in her sunglasses before they enter the car. (00:18:05)

Visible crew/equipment: When they unearth the cadaver, you can see in some shots that he wears a blue string. One of the men even sees it and tries to hide it subtly.

Visible crew/equipment: In the scene where Sam Jackson and Colin Farrell are stopped from escaping the subway tunnel at a locked gate, they get the idea to blow the lock with explosives but there is a visible, unexplained string extending from the lock as it is used to create the effect of the lock being blown off.

Visible crew/equipment: When Willie is walking past the cars, trying the keys, there is a black car in which stage lights can be seen. It is not the sun because of the angle they are at.

Visible crew/equipment: Just after the deal is set up for the two fake gangsters, the actors walk over to their SUV. If you look in the reflection around the grill, you can see the camera crew moving around.

Visible crew/equipment: Tape markers can be seen a few times during the film - most noticeably when Michelle is pushing the library cart over to the shelf, and when Nicole, Brittany and Jordan walk over to the table in the cafeteria to eat lunch.

Visible crew/equipment: At night in the hotel room, just before Lee announces that she's going to quit "hooking", a crew member walks in front of the lighting and casts a shadow on Selby. (00:38:40)