Question: Dr. Claw's claw has a red light built into it. During the film it is shown to be flashing. I've just always wanted to know what this means?

Question: When Steve Zahn is in prison, wouldn't his 6-month sentence be extended after assaulting an officer, not once, but twice?
Answer: He was thrown in the solitary confinement for another 3 months, which makes it 9 months in prison.

Question: After Ed and Norther rob the bank, Ed explains that he explained about how Texas oil money and poor federal regulation result in many savings and loans losing money. From the clothes and hairstyles, it looks like the 70s. Does anyone know what he is referring to?
Chosen answer: Deregulation of the U. S. savings & loan industry in the early 1980's greatly reduced the restrictions on which federally-chartered S&Ls could invest their money. Since the depositors' money was insured by the federal government, the S&Ls had no incentives to minimize risk. This resulted in a major political scandal by the end of the decade, to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars being lost through questionable investments, with taxpayers picking up the tab. Many of the most egregious violators were based in Sun Belt states, including Texas. The fashions do appear to be a bit out of date, however.

Question: What were the characters pouring into their drinks, and what were they pouring it into. I'm American, so I've never heard the term "brown sauce" before. I couldn't tell if it was chocolate syrup or like a steak sauce, or if they were putting it in their tea or coffee.
Answer: There is a condiment used in the UK that is actually called "Brown Sauce" It is used by many instead of Ketchup. It is slightly spicy and very nice on a bacon sandwich. They put it in their coffee for some reason.

Question: How did Kate Hudson pay the cab fare after she left Mathew McConaughey's apartment, after she left her pocketbook in the apartment?

Question: Why is Eeyore always sad? Does he suffer from depression?
Answer: It's never definitively explained, but Eeyore apparently suffers from depression, is sad about his tail, and generally always feels unhappy. Actually, he is just one character that displays a certain emotional type. Tigger is hyperactive and attention deficit, Rabbit is obsessive-compulsive, Owl is narcissistic, Piglet suffers from anxiety, and Pooh has an eating disorder.

Question: Was the ending a suicide or just an accident?
Answer: An accident. They were inexperienced pilots trying dangerous barnstorming stunts. A fitting end for two adventurers afraid of nothing.

Question: What is the name of the song at the beginning of the credits?
Answer: The song is "My Generation" performed by The Who.

Question: If Erica arrived after Marin and Harry, why was she surprised to see someone in the kitchen? Surely she saw a car in the driveway. And where did that car go? It wasn't in any scene after Marin and Harry parked. Supposedly, they shopped for groceries and ate dinner the same day they arrived. Why did they change clothes so often? It seemed Marin had her black bathing suit on under her dress at the store but wore something different at dinner. Harry had three different shirts, Erica changed from a scoop to a turtleneck and Zoe seemed to put a sweater over her blue top while shopping but changed at dinner.
Answer: Probably just a common trope seen in movies to indicate something is on or working. It adds a hint of in-movie realism. While it's shown that the claw can be operated manually or through will, it isn't implied the light does anything or tells us anything.