Factual error: When the fish tank has been cleaned by the newly installed laser fish cleaner, the machine states that the water temperature is '82°.' In Australia the Celsius scale is used; therefore, it should be about '28°.' Australia is 100% metric and has been since 1974! Nobody in Australia - nobody, anywhere, any time since 1974, uses imperial measures. There is absolutely no question of the dentist having an imperial thermometer or expressing himself in° Fahrenheit. It is actually illegal to import or sell any instrument using 'Imperial' scales. You couldn't buy a Fahrenheit thermometer if you tried. (01:14:30)

Factual error: In the scene where Neo is shot at by the French guy's henchmen, they shoot with different types of guns. 4 of these are submachine guns which would fire 9mm. Another is a M1928 Thompson would fire .45 APC. Lastly there is a Heckler and Koch G36K which would fire the drastically different 5.56x45mm NATO. When Neo stops the bullets, they are all 9mm Parabellum rounds.

Factual error: During Jack's sliding down the rope scene, it is very noticeable that each one of the English soldiers fire their weapons more than once, which is impossible for that time, knowing that repetition weapons weren't invented until the mid 1800s. (00:20:00)
Suggested correction: The first repeating firearm was invented in 1718.
I think you are talking about the Puckle gun from 1718, which was a crewed gun, not a rifle. The earliest repeating rifle is from 1630, with more variants made till the era the movie takes place in (early 18th century). However, these had all what you call single-action triggers (manual repeating), meaning they need a large lever to reload after firing. The guns in the movie obviously don't have such a lever. What the poster probably meant by repetition weapons is double-action trigger rifles.

Factual error: Helicopter rotor blades do not unfold by themselves and there is no way to unfold them from inside the helicopter. A trained mechanic with the right tools and equipment (including the proper ladder for the job) will take a minimum of twenty minutes to rig a four bladed rotor, and that's if (s)he's in a hurry. An airborne (i.e. falling) helicopter? Forget it. (00:07:40)

Factual error: When we see the United States flag, it is the wrong flag. It has 43 stars, something the flag did not have until 1891.

Factual error: The ship, VIRGIL, is diving straight down from the crust to the core. Although the interior of the ship pivots to make the cockpit perpendicular to the descent, the ship itself is "digging" straight down so when people move from compartment to compartment they should be climbing up and down rather than simply walking back and forth.

Factual error: Dinky Winks has a branding iron that says 'Dinky' when it faces out, but we should be reading it backwards. When he uses this brand, then it will be backwards.

Factual error: When Johnny and Lorna are in the sushi bar, Lorna says 'cheers' in Japanese to Johnny before drinking Japanese sake. (An English subtitle is displayed). Johnny, obviously not knowing what he is saying replies in Japanese, and an English subtitle is displayed saying 'may all of your daughters be born with three bottoms'. The actual translation for what he says is 'May all of your daughters be born with a small penis'. (Not that any normal person would notice) (00:36:15)

Factual error: In the scene after Chan and Wilson crash their car into Stonehenge they walk away and the view is of a field and a beautiful blue sky. In the sky you can see an airplane vapour trail up on the left hand side of the screen. There were no airliners in 1890. (00:58:50)

Factual error: In the scene where Ms. Ungermeyer returns to the hotel and takes the elevator upstairs, Sergei detains her in the elevator (to give Lizzie time to get into her room) while the classmates, including Kate, walk up the stairs. Since the rooms were on the first floor, Kate should have reached her and Lizzie's room before Ms. Ungermeyer; however, they enter the room at the same time.

Factual error: In beginning scene with the shark, it growls when it sees Lara. C'mon, how many sharks actually growl? (00:14:15)

Factual error: When Brendan Fraser comes out of the Louvre, the Eiffel Tower is right in front of it. The Louvre and the Eiffel Tower are miles away from each other.

Factual error: Both the English and French armies are wearing uniforms (English red and the French blue). An army would not have had a uniform at this time - each knight would have his own standard and colours - these colours would also have been worn by his squires. The peasants (bowmen) would wear their own clothes - usually a brown or other earth tone, and definitely not a red/blue tabard.

Factual error: After Stephen Maturin comes back with a small portion of findings from the Galapagos Islands, he presents a stick insect to Captain Aubrey, but stick insects (Phasmids) don't exist in the Galapagos Islands. (01:41:20)

Factual error: When Edward Bloom hits the winning shot in the basketball game, a three-point line is visible at his feet. The three-point line was not introduced until the 1970s in the newly formed ABA. It did not reach high school basketball gyms until the late 80s. (00:20:55)

Factual error: During the song where Mowgli and Balo are dancing together with other animals, there are several hippopotamus also dancing. This is impossible, as hippopotamus are native to Africa, and the movie is set in India.

Factual error: At the beginning of the film, after Eris gives her speech, we zoom in on a map of the Eastern Mediterranean - and the island of Cyprus is conspicuously missing (it's large enough to be seen on the map).

Factual error: Cody mentions the coordinates of the Cascade Mountains as: Long: 44 degrees 5' 2" Lat: -104 degrees 24' 8". There is no such thing as -104° latitude. The maximum in the northern hemisphere is +90° (the North Pole) and the maximum in the Southern Hemisphere is -90° (South Pole).

Factual error: Gollum's body wouldn't sink into the lava if he fell in it as shown in the movie. Rather his body would burst into flames, and turn to ash. Falling in lava isn't like falling into a lake. Lava is more than three times denser than water, which prevents a human shaped body from sinking in.

Factual error: During any British election, the Queen avoids making public appearances in order to avoid influencing the election turnout. She usually stays at Windsor castle and would not have hosted such events as the garden party.