Factual error: Josh Hartnett's roommate is reading the paper, which shows results from a big football game. But this movie is set during Lent, months away from football season. (The filmmakers admit this error during the DVD commentary.).

Factual error: As a college student this has always bothered me. It is impossible for a first year student to apply to a school as prestigious as Columbia University in the MIDDLE of the summer and not only receive admission, but a FULL-RIDE scholarship. A quick check on Columbia's website revealed that the deadline for ALL students was May 15 and most of the scholarships given out come from outside agencies, not the school itself. Even though Ana's teacher said he has a friend up there, there is still no way such strings can be pulled in that short amount of time.

Factual error: After Van unplugs the power from the phone, it rings one more time, remember, it's a cordless phone. (01:10:05)

Factual error: When coach says the insurance requires a physical to play, Juwanna Mann avoided it by dressing in a chicken suit. Later, when the team waits for Juwanna Mann to show up for the playoff game, s/he's allowed to play although she didn't finish taking the physical.

Factual error: Whenever Steve Coogan is driving his old brown car during the 70s and 80s, you can look out of his windows and see cars that weren't made then, even some with current registration plates on, either driving past, or parked up in driveways, or on the side of the road.

Factual error: When the Dalmatian and her new puppies are shown, the puppies are standing and their eyes are open. However, a new born puppy's eyes are sealed shut until they are at least 12 days old and they can only crawl on their bellies. (00:05:19)

Factual error: Just after Austin recollects what Mini Me did last time he used the peace symbol, they both smash bottles to use for fighting. Austin grabs his out of a gift basket and Mini Me grabs his out of the mini fridge. Considering the location of both Austin and Mini Me's bottles, shouldn't liquid come out of the bottles because they are new? (01:03:40)

Factual error: When Jess arrives late at the final match, she is brought on as a substitute. Yet, the referee should know about the possible substitutes before they are brought on - he didn't even know about Jess. Jess said she wouldn't be able to make the match due to her sister's wedding. Therefore, she would have been removed from the team line-up.

Factual error: The phrase "Si, se puede" is translated in the movie to mean "Yes, we can". However, "Si, se puede" literally translates to "It's Possible". (When it is mentioned earlier in the film that "Si, se puede" means "Yes, I can", that is also incorrect.) "Si, nos podemos" is incorrect. It would have to be "Si podemos" to be grammatically correct. Yet, in the United States, the phrase is colloquially translated to "Yes, we can", so it is probable that the writers and directors made the decision consciously, especially considering that the director is of Spanish descent.

Factual error: When Bullock and Grant are stuck in traffic they are on the ramp of the upper level of the Queensboro bridge. No trucks are allowed on the upper level of this bridge, so the RV, the truck behind the RV (the one with the two guys who are looking in the bathroom window), and the other trucks that are stuck in traffic on this ramp would not, in reality, be allowed there. (00:55:15)

Factual error: In the scene where Jack and Algy are eating muffins Jack is wearing a Burberry Check tie. The Burberry Check was not created until the 1920's. The scene takes place in mid-1890s.

Factual error: The way the FBI officers, who are trailing Dooley, act is completely unprofessional. The scene where the one has to restrain the other after the sprinkler incident would never happen. (00:29:45)