Factual error: There is no way a 2001 phone's tiny speaker could be heard a hundred meters away in the belly of a dinosaur or later buried in a mound of dino dung.

Factual error: In the begining at the bridge ceremony, the band plays Manhattan Beach by John Philip Sousa. However, Manhattan Beach was composed in 1893. (00:00:50)

Factual error: Just after TK gets the gun for Yulaw, who is pretending to be Gabe, she sees the real Gabe out the window. It cuts to him crouching behind a fence, with his dog in front of him. The dog has its back to the camera, and is facing Gabe while sitting down. Here, they dubbed over a sound of a dog growling to make it more suspenseful. But that part is entirely wrong. One, it is Gabe's own dog, who in a previous scene was happy to see Gabe and wagging his tail. He would not be growling at his master in such a manner at this point. The dog is also sitting down in a relaxed posture. If the dog was actually growling at him in such a threatening manor, it would not be sitting down, but standing and head lowered. (00:56:00)

Factual error: At the end of the film, when Duchovny and Jones are on the ladder truck shooting the head and shoulders, they are yelling "go go go". They slide down the ladder and the next shot is the fire truck speeding away. Movie elapsed time 5 seconds. It is a physical impossibility for a fully extended ladder to be lowered, retracted and bedded in a span of less than 4-7 minutes. Even if the hydraulic lines are cut, the ladder would remain upright and not collapse/retract. (01:32:59)

Factual error: When Gregorio and Ingrid are being chased by a helicopter during their wedding, the helicopter goes between two stone posts and the helicopter's blades break the post tops off. The problem is that both of the tops fall forward, which is wrong - one should fall forward, the other one should fall backwards. (00:05:50)

Factual error: Rowan has been frozen since at least 2010 because that's when the Cryo machine was made. The android says she has been out for 4.55 centuries. With it being 2455 it would be 4.45 centuries. Pretty simple mathematical mistake for a robot. (00:16:20)

Factual error: At the end of the movie when David jumps into to the water in downtown Manhattan, he lands in Coney Island. Coney Island is in Brooklyn, a long way from Manhattan.

Factual error: When Cindy is giving her "fossil-to-chromosome ratio" report, she calls her model dinosaur skeleton a plesiosaur. However, the skeleton is of a bipedal dinosaur (likely a hadrosaur, judging by the "duckbill"), while plesiosaurs were aquatic reptiles with flippers instead of feet.

Factual error: Burt claims his watch updates its time "by connecting directly to the cesium clock in Colorado via ultrasonic frequency." Later the graboids home in on him by the ultrasonic sound emitted by his watch. Firstly, radio controlled watches update their time by receiving signals, but they don't emit any signals - the battery would be way too weak for two-way communication. Secondly, they work on radio waves, not sonic waves. Thirdly, if a hypothetical time transmitter did work on ultrasonics, the smallest distance between Colorado and Nevada is some 435 km (around 270 mi). An ultrasonic signal strong enough to reach that far would probably be deadly within a sizable range around the transmitter. (00:08:20)

Factual error: At the end of the movie, the son arrives from Dartmouth. But he does so in Grand Central Station. To come from New Hampshire he would have to arrive at Penn Station. (01:53:40)

Factual error: At the beginning, after the blue virus-monster appears, some telephone wires wrap around a scientist's arm. There aren't that many wires in in a normal telephone, nor are they that thick.

Factual error: Milo says Audrey is a "teenager". Which she is, but this is 1914! People didn't use that word back then. He probably should have said "adolescent" or something.

Factual error: There's not enough soda in two cans to soak two ninjas.

Factual error: When Donnie returns to his house to find a jet engine has landed on it, we see them lift the jet engine up with the crane. Yet his family, complete with 5 year old girl, are standing right in front of the crane. Plus workmen are milling around underneath and about 4 FAA officials come from inside the house. They are lifting a 2000lb jet engine, and all these people are allowed to wander around while it's 20ft above them?