Other mistake: When Butch says "Welcome to HQ", his mouth isn't being animated.

Other mistake: When the group returns to the lake where Leo crashed, as he is underwater leaving the pod with his pack, he has it in his left hand. The next scene he grabs Estella Warren's hand with his left. The pack is gone. As they swim up, if you watch it frame by frame, the pack instantly appears back around his left forearm before they surface.
Suggested correction: The bag was always in his left hand.
Might want to add he was holding on to the strap so it fell out of camera view when he grabs her hand, you see it when they swim up.

Other mistake: Towards the end of the scene in which Vince Vaughn and Jon Favreau are arguing in front of the penguin exhibit, as Vince Vaughn gets rolling with his speech the movement of his lips fails to jibe with the soundtrack.

Other mistake: When Bruce Willis and Troy Garity get hit by the rental truck, you can see the car is a junked car. When Bruce Willis gets out off the passenger side door, there is no interior on the inside of the door.

Other mistake: When Stanley is driving the Tuscan TVR while trying to escape the assassins, each close-up of the dashboard readout reveals that the speedometer is actually at 0. (01:01:00)

Other mistake: Towards the end of the movie, Lara Croft and the bad guys are in the frozen ruins of an ancient civilisation. Upon reaching the outskirts of the ruins one of the characters mentions that the ancient city is a "dead zone" which I understood to mean it was an anomalous area where electrical devices wouldn't work - not just no communications, because the vehicles stop working and Bryce's laptop just dies. Once inside the city however, the laser rifle sight worked just fine.

Other mistake: When we see the body of Liz Stride after her throat has been cut, the blood is bright pink. This may be due to the light shining on it, but it's still pink. (Surely by then, the blood would have turned brown after mixing with the oxygen?).

Other mistake: Jack says: "Did I meet him when Bush came over?" The German subtitles read: "Ich traf ihn, als Busch vorbeikam." Busch is German for bush... (00:20:35)

Other mistake: In the scene where Joe is playing squash with 3 other office excutives he hits the ball so hard it leaves the court and hits a clock on the wall behind them. When the clock falls you can clearly see the glass case below start to break before the wall clock even falls onto the glass.

Other mistake: When Ruby is signing onto America Online to check her mail you hear the dial-up sound before she even clicks on the sign on button.

Other mistake: When Brad Pitt puts David Krumholtz in the car after Krumholtz is hit in the head by a falling bullet, if you look closely you can see him breathing despite the fact that at that point he's already dead.

Other mistake: When Orlando is driving the car (I believe the old beat up car) the gear shift is all the way up in the park position, yet the car is moving.

Other mistake: Near the start of the film Billy Connelly hurts his foot. He can't walk without using a crutch, but not that long after he hurts it he manages to drive without any bother. Would this not be a danger to drivers, and how can he drive so well only a short while after a sharp piece of wood has just gone through his foot?

Other mistake: When Stephanie (the kid's mom) gets sprayed with mud by the bus, it is accelerating as much as it can in reverse. Why would it accelerate so much in reverse if it's trying to avoid falling down the hill?

Other mistake: When Romulus talks to Matthew about Leppenraub he says that he knows "the man he works for". The German subtitles translate into "the man who works for him". (00:16:50)

Other mistake: When Kyle and Natalie are in the bedroom together and she reaches in the drawer to grab the lotion for him. You can planly see that the logo for the Jergens bottle is censored and the logo is blurred out.

Other mistake: Near the end of the movie, there is a party scene in which Jessica and her ex-boyfriend are talking on the roof of the building. Behind them is a sign posted by the door to the roof. The letters are reversed, as if you're reading the sign through a mirror.

Other mistake: When Boyd is on the rooftop, he is holding the bottom of the ladder from the helicopter. A view from above shows marks from a previous take.

Other mistake: When the aeroplane has to pull up as the spinosaurus charges onto the runway, blood is splattered all over the cockpit window. The blood must have been from the sail of the spinosaur because Cooper was in its mouth. However the sail is fine in the fight scene and the window is clean when Amanda screams about the eye in the window.

Other mistake: When Joe falls on the bungie, we see him hit his head in an entirely vertical position with his head at the top. This could not have been achieved considering the position he was in in the shot before.