Revealing mistake: When Beverly is trying two throw herself down the stairs after she finds out she's pregnant, the padding on her behind to go down stairs shows through her pajamas. (00:30:40)

Revealing mistake: Just as Liz goes to talk to Mike (where she talks about slitting their wrists with Geoff's knife) Geoff is in the foreground of the shot, covered in a coat/blanket/something, and is supposed to be dead. But you can see his stomach and chest moving as the actor breathes. (01:25:05)

Revealing mistake: When Pea and Jody are about to beat up the kids that took Jody's bike and liqueur, if you look to the far left in the alleyway the red camera light is visible. (01:23:45)

Revealing mistake: When Vercingétorix leaves the Romans to go to Gergovia there is a stone mason by the road carving what is probably a distance marker. The man's chisel is obviously not in contact with the stone - while he is banging it with the hammer it is waving around in the air. (00:17:00)

Revealing mistake: When Hubert breaks the tooth on the first transexual you can see light reflected on the lacquer covering the real tooth in his mouth. (00:06:40)

Revealing mistake: When Ali is in the rain on the pay phone at the motel it is a modern phone, not from the era they were trying to portray.

Revealing mistake: When Rick puts Ray on the table at the brick plant, he stands him up and lies him down. Right before he puts him onto the table, Ray lifts his leg up to assist Rick to get him up there.