Continuity mistake: Sometimes Shrek's front door opens outwards, at other times inwards, yet it can't be "two-way" because whenever it closes, it slams against the frame. (00:10:55 - 00:13:45)

Continuity mistake: As Buddy walks out into the street at the start of the movie when the cat is playing dead, you can see several parked cars on the street behind him. When the van backs up to 'catnap' buddy, there are no parked cars. Then as the van drives off again, there is a different bunch of parked cars in the street. (00:03:54)

Continuity mistake: In the British Museum, when Rick and Ardeth are saving Evie, Rick gives her a .45 pistol and they start to shoot the guards, her pistol fires once and the slide locks back meaning the pistol had no ammo, but she keeps firing as if the magazine was still full. (00:39:47)

Continuity mistake: About 10 minutes into the movie, when the truck is chasing the 2 college students in the car and starts ramming them, the bumper and the trunk is smashed in. The shot changes and shows the car's rear end and it is in perfect condition. This repeats at least 3 times.

Continuity mistake: As Boromir and Aragorn talk right before Boromir dies, you can see Boromir's right hand gripping Aragorn's left shoulder in the shot from behind Aragorn's right shoulder, but when the camera view changes to Boromir's perspective, looking up at Aragorn, his hand is not there. The scene goes back and forth between these two views several times. (01:22:40)

Continuity mistake: At the snake exhibit, while Harry speaks with the Python the snake's body lies curled over a long wood log and a large rock. In the shot from outside the Python's exhibit, after the glass pane disappears Dudley falls over the rail and the snake is gone, not positioned differently or blocked from view, but altogether gone. In the next overhead shot inside the Python's exhibit, while Dudley falls the snake is back lying on the log and rock, in the very same position as in the previous shots. (00:07:10)

Continuity mistake: In the beginning scenes, where Milo Thatch is practising his proposal, he slides over (face forward, chest against the board) a chalk drawing of a map detailing the location of Atlantis. When he realises he wiped off the drawing, and sees it on his clothes, he stands in front of the blank part of the chalkboard, "filling in" the space with the map that rubbed off on his shirt - the only problem is, that the image should have rubbed off backwards as he was facing the board when it transferred to his clothes. He could not simply stand in the place of the missing map face forward and have it read properly.

Continuity mistake: After the pool incident when David is writing letters. Monica is looking over the letters that David has written. There's a point where you can see that she's still holding at least 2-3 sheets of paper but when the camera shifts back to the writing there's only one in her hand. There should be more than one paper in her hand. And when viewed from behind her back the sheets are neatly lying on top of each other, when seen from the front, the sheets are tilted. (00:46:43)

Continuity mistake: In the scene just before the final attack on the castle, D'Artangan is surrounded by his fellow Musketeers. He gets off his horse and while doing so there is a tight close up where you see clearly that he is wearing his Musketeer outfit that he threw down on the floor in the previous scene. When he finishes talking to the horse (and he is back in his normal clothes) Porthos hands him the Musketeer uniform, which D'Artangan then puts on. (01:20:45)

Continuity mistake: Near the end of the movie, Lara Croft and Manfred Powell (Iain Glen) both draw their pistols and have them pointed at each others head. Powell suggest that the two put the guns down and settle it hand to hand. The two lay their guns down and fight. As the fight is progressing the cave is falling in around them. Laura knocks Powell out and begins to run for the exit and she does not slow down. As she makes it to the exit you can see her pistols in their holsters on her legs. This is edited from a longer sequence, as seen on DVD, but still a mistake in the theatrical release.

Continuity mistake: When the two brothers are frantically trying to get out of the car because the monster truck is barreling toward them (in slo-mo), you will notice that the tongue ring is missing from the one brother's tongue. Odd mistake seeing as his character is centered around the tongue ring. (01:27:05)

Continuity mistake: When Juni handcuffs the metal box to his wrist, it switches back forth from his right wrist to his left over and over again. (00:35:05)

Continuity mistake: When Thade takes the weapon from Leo the weapon is a futuristic laser type gun. When Thade is firing the weapon after being locked in the command centre, the gun is a stainless steel Beretta brigadier model. (01:50:00)

Continuity mistake: In the scene just after Joe finds his parents, when they are sitting in their trailer talking, his parents have a stuffed clown between them. Just before Joe asks them if there ever was a time when they'd be staring at the moon, the clown is slumped forward with its face not visible. In the next shot, when his mom starts her sales pitch about having clowns for sale, the clown is now standing upright between them.

Continuity mistake: There is a scene about 2/3 of the way in the movie where you see Jamal (Martin) standing by the lake and his chain is under his shirt, he looks back into the forest and his chain is hanging out of his shirt, then he goes back to the lake and his chain is under his shirt again. (00:58:30)

Continuity mistake: On the jousting scene where William loses his helmet, he has a monstrous bruise under his right eye (in the late afternoon). That night at the banquet, there is no trace of the bruise. So far as I know, even a black eye doesn't completely heal that quickly. (00:49:50 - 00:55:25)

Continuity mistake: When Dr. Grant gets rescued by the kid and they are sitting in the water tank (truck) eating candy bars, they show the kid eating a "Crunch" bar with no wrapper, just in the tin foil. In the next shot, you see him eating the same candy bar, but the "Crunch" wrapper is now on. Then, in the third shot, it cuts back to the kid, and the wrapper is gone, and you only see tin foil again. When Dr. Grant asks the kid about Ian Malcolm's book, the wrapper is intact. (00:46:40)

Continuity mistake: Kamaji bangs the work surface, causing a chopstick to fall to the floor, but in a following shot both chopsticks are back in the bowl. (00:23:00)

Continuity mistake: After Van Damme gets shot, he climbs a wall and the female cop helps him by pulling him up the ledge. From the bottom view, the wall has a straight ledge but from the top view, there is a big groove cut out from the ledge where Van Damme climbs over. (00:52:54)

Continuity mistake: When Jay and Silent Bob first get into the van with the girls and Brent, Brent reaches out to squeeze Justice's thigh with his left hand, but as the camera picks up the actual squeeze, it's Brent's right hand squeezing her thigh. (00:24:30)