Audio problem: After the aeroplane crashed, a dinosaur stepped over it and the windows shattered making the typical sound of made-of-glass things when broken. They are made of plexiglass (a sort of fibrous plastic).

Audio problem: During the scene with the "flying" letters Harry gets one letter and tries to go in his "room", but Uncle Vernon grabs him. When Harry yells "They're my letters," not only his mouth doesn't move but his voice sounds much deeper than in the rest of the movie (it sounds more like his voice in Chamber of Secrets). This indicates that this line was overdubbed long after the main filming, when Daniel Radcliffe's voice has already begun to change. (00:11:55)

Audio problem: On the first level of the video game, after Velma brings up what she remembers what Eric said about the Scooby snacks in the game, you hear Daphne talking but you see Velma's lips moving. (00:01:00)

Audio problem: When they arrive at "The Magic Carpet" you can hear Izzy drag three heavy bolts across the door, when the door opens, there are no bolts - just as well, otherwise shooting the lock wouldn't have worked. (00:56:30)

Audio problem: When Arwen and Aragorn are talking on the bridge, you see Arwen's lips moving while Aragorn is speaking. When you zoom in you can see that Arwen's mouth is definitely moving as she is talking animatedly, both when neither character has any dialogue and when Aragorn's voice says 'I thought I had strayed into a dream'. (01:32:15)

Audio problem: In the scene where the janitor is tap dancing in the hallway, the tapping sounds do not match up with the times that his feet hit the ground.

Audio problem: When Monica runs back upstairs to see what David did to her perfume bottle, the sounds of the footsteps on the stairs don't sync up with the steps we see her taking. (00:24:40)

Audio problem: When Nick is talking to his friend in the casino lobby, in a side view his friend says "...not one quarter..." but you can clearly see his mouth doesn't move. (00:11:30)

Audio problem: When Dr. Phreak is beating up Jimmy's bubble he's saying, "I'm not mini," yet his mouth is not moving.

Audio problem: In the scene in the beginning when the dance is going on, it shows John playing the trumpet. When he starts on his solo, there is s shot where it zooms in on the bell of the trumpet. During this shot you hear a single note being played and not changing. But if you look, you can see John moving his fingers on the valves.

Audio problem: When Vercingétorix tells Caesar that Alexander the Great was dead by the time he was Caesar's age, his mouth movements don't match the words. In this shot he is, I think, speaking French with the English dubbed over - he looks like he is saying 'mort'. (00:24:50)

Audio problem: When trying to hit the creeper with the car, the distance between them and the creeper changes drastically, instantly. (00:55:45)

Audio problem: Jennifer and the Captain exit the plane and stay there for several minutes while sirens from airport services howl, obviously to help them after such a chaotic flight. However, wider shots show that there's not a single car or person nearby.

Audio problem: During the failed kidnapping attempt at the mall, Nancy Sinatra's "These Boots Are Made for Walking" is playing over the mall sound system, and the song is badly edited to extend it for the duration of the scene. In the actual song, Nancy Sinatra famously says, "Are you ready, boots? Start walkin'!" only once. But, in this movie's chopped-up version, she says it twice.

Audio problem: When Ash and his friends arrive at the waterfall, Mr. White speaks, but his mouth does not move. (00:16:27)