Abra Cadaver - S3-E5
Trivia: This episode featured a guest appearance by Tom Noonan. Noonan and series star William Petersen played villain and hero, respectively, in the film "Manhunter."
Trivia: The store that Rogue and Wolverine are in when they are ambushed by the soldiers is the same store as the one that Wolverine showed up at in the first episode. The inside has changed, but the building and the scenery outside is still the same.
Trivia: A number of in-joke Dr. Who references crop up throughout the series pilot. A group of doctors and scientists are introduced as Hartnell, Troughton, and Baker; there's a business card for I. M. Foreman in Totters Lane; and the cover of a science magazine sports headlines such as "Time and Relative Dimension in Space" and "Playing the Game of Rassilon."