Easter egg: An easter egg on the Spanish edition of the DVD. Don't know if it exists on other editions. On the menu, select Extra Features, then, scroll down to the Menu Option and press right on your remote. You'll see a new option where you can watch an old music video from Dio.

Easter egg: On the Special Edition, select any of the four features on the disk's main menu, then go to the special features menu and hit enter. Next, go to the bottom of the screen, down to where it says "More," and hit enter. On this second page, there should be a white angel picture of Elizabeth Hurley. Hit the right arrow key on the DVD remote. Now a little red devil should have appeared on Elizabeth Hurley's shoulder, which you must click on. This reveals a hidden wish of being a drug-using rock star that was once in the movie, but was edited out for the Big Mac and a large Coke wish, because it would have made the movie rated R instead of PG-13.