Plot hole: When Fluffy saves Chloe she calls out 'thank you Fluffy'. Cruella never told her the dog's name so how did she know it?

Plot hole: Ginger can hold Mrs. Tweedy single winged. She can also tip up a feeder full of food. So now we have clarified that she is one ridiculously strong hen, how does she need help pushing up a deck chair? 3 other chickens were able to do it with ease earlier.

Plot hole: There's no visible evidence that Team Rocket has taken away Ash, Misty, and Brock's Poké Balls when the gang was in the cage, so why don't the Trainers call out their Pokémon (Brock's Onix would've helped out very much) and escape the cage?

Plot hole: In the scene where Willie takes Skip to the army recruiter, the recruiter classifies Skip as 4-F because one of his testicles hasn't dropped. But seconds later when Skip stands on his rear feet, it is apparent that Willie, well let's just say that a pair beats an ace high.

Plot hole: When the Slate Co. boss turns the lever in the casino from "WIN" to "LOSE", how could he know which games Fred was playing?