Trivia: Director Takashi Miike is not a fan of sequels, as he feels they are usually just "more of the same." So when he was set off to make this sequel to Dead or Alive, rather than make it a continuation of the first film, he simply re-used the same actors as different characters in a different storyline. So the film is not a "true" sequel to the original, but rather a "spiritual" sequel to the original.

Trivia: Michael Cera's theatrical film debut.

Trivia: It's interesting to note that Isaac Hayes has a very minor role in the movie as the guy who notices the roaches in the food in prison. Ashton Kutcher, Kelso from That '70s Show, is also in the movie as the guy Rudy swaps clothes with to use him as a decoy and is credited as "College Kid."

Trivia: The movie is inspired by "Vulgar the Clown," the original mascot for Kevin Smith's production company View Askew. The mascot was created for Smith's breakout hit "Clerks." Smith, director Bryan Johnson and their friend Walt Flannagan (who designed the clown) had fun one boring night by making up a dark backstory for the character. Johnson fell in love with the story and asked Smith if he could write and direct a film about it. Smith happily gave Johnson his blessing.

Trivia: Penelope Ann Miller spoke with Mary Kay Letourneau over the phone to get to know her and how best to play her for the movie.