Babs: I don't want to be a pie! I don't like gravy.

Sebastian: That's it. I'm booking meself on a cruise.

Tai: I've got to warn everyone! [Dials phone.]
Woman on Phone: All circuits are busy. Try again later.
Tai: Oh, great. It's busy! [Dials another number.]
Woman on Phone: All circuits are busy. Try again later.
Tai: How can that be busy too? [Dials another number.]
Woman on Phone: All circuits are still busy.
Tai: Don't tell me. [Dials another nymber.]
Woman on Phone: Did you hear me? It's busy!
Tai: I'm sorry, lady.

Cortes: My crew was as carefully chosen as the disciples of Christ, and I will not tolerate stowaways. You will be flogged, and when we put into Cuba to resupply, God willing you will be flogged some more. And then enslaved on the sugar plantations for the rest of your miserable lives. To the brig.
Miguel: Alright! Cuba.

Meier Link: She is here by her own choice, dunpeal. So unless you're the kind of man who would take a woman against her will for the money in it - and I am sure it's a lot - I suggest you save your sorry ass now and leave us to travel in peace.
D: I would if I could believe you, Meier. Your credibility, however, is less than impeccable under the circumstances. You kidnapped the girl.

Joe: Once, there was only silence, and not a speck of hope in sight. And every tiny bubble burst on its journey towards the light. But the spark of creation will flicker again, it's a brand new era... about to begin.

Tommy Pickles: I believe in the playground. It is my favoritest place. But two yesterdays ago two boys came and buried my brother's binky. Then he started to cry.
Dil Pickles: Binky.
Angelica: You have come to me on the day of this wedding for me to take care of two boys?
Tommy Pickles: No, just a new binky.

Rachel: Jacob, even God rested on the seventh day. He'll find his future soon enough. Let him be with his brothers.

Preed: My scanners are showing a veritable cornucopia of nothing.

Terry McGinnis: What can you tell me about clowns?
Barbara Gordon: In this town, they're never funny.

Tigger: You can't bounce the bounce if you can't even pronounce the bounce.