Babs: I don't want to be a pie! I don't like gravy.
Sebastian: That's it. I'm booking meself on a cruise.
Tai: I've got to warn everyone! [Dials phone.]
Woman on Phone: All circuits are busy. Try again later.
Tai: Oh, great. It's busy! [Dials another number.]
Woman on Phone: All circuits are busy. Try again later.
Tai: How can that be busy too? [Dials another number.]
Woman on Phone: All circuits are still busy.
Tai: Don't tell me. [Dials another nymber.]
Woman on Phone: Did you hear me? It's busy!
Tai: I'm sorry, lady.
Meier Link: She is here by her own choice, dunpeal. So unless you're the kind of man who would take a woman against her will for the money in it - and I am sure it's a lot - I suggest you save your sorry ass now and leave us to travel in peace.
D: I would if I could believe you, Meier. Your credibility, however, is less than impeccable under the circumstances. You kidnapped the girl.
Joe: Once, there was only silence, and not a speck of hope in sight. And every tiny bubble burst on its journey towards the light. But the spark of creation will flicker again, it's a brand new era... about to begin.
Tommy Pickles: I believe in the playground. It is my favoritest place. But two yesterdays ago two boys came and buried my brother's binky. Then he started to cry.
Dil Pickles: Binky.
Angelica: You have come to me on the day of this wedding for me to take care of two boys?
Tommy Pickles: No, just a new binky.
Rachel: Jacob, even God rested on the seventh day. He'll find his future soon enough. Let him be with his brothers.
Minnie Mogul: I can't sign a contract that will help three ruthless villains take over the world. I just can't.
Fearless Leader, Boris, and Natasha: Why not?
Minnie: My pen's out of ink.
The Joker: You know, kids, a lot has changed since your old Uncle Joker's been away. New Gotham, new rules, even a new Batman. But now I'm tanned, I'm rested and I'm ready to give this old town a wedgie again.
Tigger: You can't bounce the bounce if you can't even pronounce the bounce.