Question: Why does Oliver Gates come up with ridiculous reasons for the people he defends whenever they commit murder? In the episode "Hate", Sean Webster was killing Muslims and Oliver claims that his hatred was genetic but, it was found out that Sean had been raised to hate Muslims after his dad left his mom and married a muslim. In the episode "Game" a guy is murdering people the exact same way that's done in a video game when it's clear the suspect is using the video game as a scapegoat for his crimes.

Question: This is as good a place to ask as any. In various US TV shows (including this one, and this episode), someone says "I could care less", when they always seem to mean "I couldn't care less", ie. they have no interest in what's going on. Surely if they COULD care less that means they actually care a reasonable amount? Is there any logic to this, or is it just a really annoying innate lack of sense?
Chosen answer: A really annoying innate lack of sense. My friends and family say the same thing all the time, and I'm endlessly trying to correct them. I think people just don't know any better and (ironically) couldn't care less that they're speaking incorrectly.
Answer: It's an endlessly annoying dropped negative, and it's been a common colloquialism for far too long. I believe it comes from an original (and now omitted and merely implied) "As if" preceding the statement. "As if I could care less." (Meaning "As if it were possible that I could care even less than I do.") But there's really no way to know.

Question: In the opening credits, just before the shot of Phantom Dennis, is the shot of the girl crying Darla? What episode is that from?
Answer: Nope, it's not Darla - that's Rachel from the episode "In The Dark", the third episode of the show (the one with Spike's magnificent opening monologue).

Question: How come neither good nor evil want Charity and Miguel to be together? I only started watching this show a year or so ago but I still can't figure out why at least good forces wouldn't want the two to be together.
Answer: I don't know about good not wanting them to be together, but I know the evil side doesn't want them together because once they sleep together, then Charity's powers will multiply, and she will be a driving force against the evil darkside.

Question: During a restaurant scene Drea deMatteo plays a hostess. She seats the Sopranos, but does not seem to know them. Was she picked to play Adriana after this episode?
Answer: Yup, just like Nicholas Lea was chosen to play Alex Krycek on the X-files after showing up on 1 episode as a different character.

Question: What is the name of the theme song of Roswell? I think it's something called "Here I am", or "I am what I am".
Answer: It's called "Here With Me", performed by Dido. It can be found on her album "No Angel".

Question: There was an episode, where the only thing I remember is an autistic woman in court and it had something to do with having sex or having a baby with her autistic boyfriend. Anyone know what this episode is called?
Chosen answer: "Thursday's Child" (season 4, episode 2, October 8th, 2002) : The parents of a sexually active mentally disabled 17-year-old (Lynsey Bartilson) come before Amy to request control of their daughter's reproductive rights. [source : TV Guide on-line.].
Answer: His clients are guilty and won't take a plea. He's using desperate defenses in hopes of swaying a juror or two. Also makes for better television. "Temporary insanity" isn't nearly as compelling as "the video games made me do it."
Brian Katcher