Question: I'm confused. Palpatine wanted to use Queen Amidala to get himself voted as chancellor so he could have control over the republic. Why did he send Darth Maul after the Queen's ship when it escaped if he needed the Queen alive?

Question: What makes Hogarth turn back?
Answer: Turn back to/from what? Can you please expand on the question so we know what you're referring to?

Question: To play Loveless, were Kenneth Branagh's legs removed digitally with a blue/green screen?
Answer: Assuming it's the same technique used for Gary Sinse in Forrest Gump, Mr. Branagh was probably wearing blue leggings which was used to digitize out his legs.

Question: What year do you think it is when Andrew returns to the Martin family home and meets Portia, as well as the older Little Miss?
Answer: According to various wikis, the year is 2068.

Question: How did Anton not remember that he murdered his own parents when he was a killer all along?
Answer: He was either too high, sleepwalking or under the evil hand's control.

Question: At the end of the film, Malthazar says "The ship was a model as big as this - a very clever deception indeed." Does he mean that the Thermians now accept they were decieved by the "historical documents", or does he still believe the "documents" were real and the Captian was deceiving Sarris by pretending to admit they were false?
Chosen answer: He thinks that the Captain was just tricking Sarris and the "documents" were real.

Question: Why does Jamie Lee Curtis hate this film so much?
Answer: She considered it to be a badly written and poorly made movie, stating that it was "dreadful." Critics panned the movie as being "predictable," though its special effects were praised. The movie received a 12% rating on Rotten Tomatoes and was a huge commercial flop that made about half of its production costs. Curtis said she tried to get director John Bruno fired during the filming because she thought the movie was so bad.
Answer: He doesn't know that he's plugged into a giant computer and that most of humanity is a power source for robots. He's merely aware that there is something wrong with life in general, something odd that he can't quite explain.
Gary O'Reilly