Factual error: Ashley Judd is convicted of murdering her husband for the insurance money and that would make it a first degree murder charge (first degree meaning she planned the murder). Because of that there is no way she would have been eligible for parole after just 6 or 7 years.

Factual error: A girl is playing with a Tamagotchi virtual pet in the scene set in 1994, but the toy was not released in Japan until 1996 (it wasn't officially available in the USA until May 1997).

Factual error: The priest says that St. John saw the number 666 in his vision, but it was actually 999 inverted. St. John wouldn't read modern Arabic numerals like we do, it would be Roman numerals. The number 666 would actually be DCLXVI. (01:05:40)

Factual error: Early in the movie when the interior of the downed aircraft is shown (underwater in Chesapeake Bay), with the eerie picture of Dutch's wife and the congresswoman's husband sitting underwater in first class with their hair waving slowly in the current, they are shown on the right side of the aircraft (the left side as we are looking at them, but the right side of the plane proper). Yet, when the airline representative is discussing this "problem" (non-married-to-each-other people apparently flying as a couple), they are announced as sitting in row X (don't remember), seats A and B. Aircraft seating is always done from left to right - i.e., the A and B seats would be on the other, or left, side of the aircraft.

Factual error: In the scene where the boys are driving to (or from) the dance, while driving down the street, you can clearly see a 1988-1991 Honda Civic hatchback in a driveway. Obviously this car was overlooked since this movie was set in the 1970's.

Factual error: Throughout the movie, cars are shown driving on the right side of the road, but in Thailand traffic moves on the left. The movie was actually filmed in the Philippines instead of Thailand due to its subject matter about the Thai legal system.

Factual error: In the beginning where John Travolta is going through the gates in his car, he stops to let the guard on duty see his military ID. Under the US seal it has the words "1ST Sarg." printed. Real military ID's would have "1SG / E8" printed on them where he has "1ST Sarg." printed. Also, his expiration date says "12/24/02". This would be printed as "2002DEC24".

Factual error: In Sintra, when Depp and the girl go to Fargas' house in the morning, they ride the motorbike and turn left. However, from Hotel Central to this house you must turn right, it's the road that climbs to the manors, the other way you'll get to Central Village.

Factual error: The scene where Michael frantically arrives at the FBI headquarters, he drives the Contour up over the movable vehicle barrier. The movable vehicle barriers that are in place at the FBI headquarters, both pre and post 9/11, are steel ramp type barriers angled upward toward the entering car and lowered when needed. The ramps are about as high as the top of the Contour's hood and the Contour would have just gotten wedged under the opening of the barrier ramp. And there wasn't enough of a "ramp" in front of the barrier to floor it and jump the car over the barrier (ala Dukes Of Hazzard), hence the barrier system would really work.

Factual error: In the fight scene on the train, Silent Bob hits the "Door Open" button to throw Bartleby out of the last car of the train. Such doors are kept locked.

Factual error: The Crane mansion is supposed to be set above the village of Concord as listed in the ledgers, however, Nell answers an ad directing her to the Berkshires which are nowhere near Concord.

Factual error: When the bloke's head gets cut off in the beginning by the circular saw blade being thrown, surely there would be more blood, like when his mom got killed under the bed?

Factual error: It is not possible that little girl (Kyra) would just be buried without investigation; every non-natural death (especially from young person) requires autopsy, it's routine. During autopsy, they would have seen that she was poisoned and an investigation would have started. Police would go around asking questions like who was feeding Kyra most of the times. I'm not saying that they would discover her mother as the murderer so easy, but she wouldn't just be buried in 2 days like her death was normal and usual.

Factual error: The story takes place in the Pacific Northwest (Vancouver) in November and December. Washington may be known as the "Evergreen State", but there are still numerous deciduous trees - and deciduous trees have leaves that change color in Autumn (yellow, orange, red) and then shed (fall off), not stay green through December or into the new year.

Factual error: When the gang follows Ben Ravencrift home, they cross over a long bridge supposed to signify Brooklyn, but is in fact, The Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco.

Factual error: At the very end of the movie, Ichabod addresses to Young Masbath saying the final line "You'll son find your bearings young Masbath. The Bronx is up, the Battery is down and home is this way." However the Bronx was instituted only in 1898, a century later.
Suggested correction: 1. The Bronx was established in 1639, along the Bronx river by Dutch settlers, they started using the name Bronx. It doesn't have to be part of New York City for Ichabod to mention the location of the Bronx. There was already 2 bridges to it from Manhattan island even. 2. He could be simply referring to the Bronx river.

Factual error: Near the start, the letter received from Brazil has a stamp with Brazil written with a Z, but stamps spell it Brasil, with an S. (00:08:35)
Suggested correction: It's never stated that she was charged with 1st degree murder, nor that she killed her husband for the insurance money. It was only brought up in trial as motive. Nick's accident was ruled "wrongful death" and the fact she did get paroled further show she was never convicted of 1st degree murder.
And what about the phone call from prison the Libby makes to Angie, and Angie says she "was just about to call her" or she tried calling her like how the heck can you call someone in prison!?