Factual error: The whole Bowfinger scenario is impossible. They are using a 35mm Panavision cine camera which cannot be focused through the lens; it needs precise measurements on the set in order to be properly in register. Then there are the light readings required to ensure proper exposure. Wouldn't Kit Ramsay notice the man with the light meter, or the one with the tape recorder? Both measurements would have to be done with him or an identically dressed and made up stand-in (a "lighting double") on the spot. Then there is the sound. Any sound recordist worth his salary will have the microphone within centimetres of his subject, and he'll have a boom operator keeping in there. We don't even see a microphone in use! Please don't tell me this is based on the clandestine filming of Mary Pickford during her Russian visit: that was done with old black and white film which has very wide tolerance to exposure and most of all it was silent, and she was aware of the camera crew, she just thought they were news crews. (And the results were rubbish anyway).

Factual error: In the montage sequence showing Drew Barrymore hanging out with the math club, they have a Pi poster with 3.1457869986. Only the first 3 digits are actually correct. (Pi = 3.1415926535897...) (00:25:20)

Factual error: Laredo drives the ship out of the starship docking station and scrapes the main hull on the walls. This would not be possible without either scraping the wings first, as they are much wider than the main ship, or turning nearly sideways, which they clearly don't.

Factual error: It is said in the film that Ice Cube's character works in an airport in Detroit. When the scene shows Ice Cube at work as a baggage handler, there are mountains in the background. There are no mountains in the Detroit area. (00:14:10)

Factual error: In the gunfight on the Nile-boat, you can often see (and hear) Rick fire his revolvers 20-24 times in totum without reloading. The guns he has would only take 6 rounds per gun (MAS 1873 revolvers).

Factual error: In the scene where Mystery is playing "Rock & Roll All Nite" in the basement, Hawk is playing an Epiphone Special II guitar. The movie is set in 1978, and this guitar did not hit the market until 1996.

Factual error: Right after Lance gets hurt and Mox replaces him Mox's first play is a 40 yard pass for a first down after which everyone starts yelling he needs to stop the clock and the camera shows the clock moving. The problem is that in high school football the clock stops on first downs while they reset the chains so the clock should have stopped running until the first down markers were moved and the ref set the ball.

Factual error: If the access hatch to the nose wheel well on an airliner was opened at any time during the take off run every alarm panel in the cockpit would light up like a Christmas tree. The pilot would immediately abort take off.

Factual error: During the press conference, the president says that at 5:00 AM the Baldwin residence was bombed. However, the Baldwins were sunning themselves. And, if the president was referring to Eastern time, it would have been 2:00 AM in Hollywood (sign in the background). (00:26:35 - 00:27:45)

Factual error: When they show the capital building in Washington DC it is still under construction, but it was actually finished in 1864 - 5 years before the movie's set.

Factual error: Porter cuts the fuel line on the car but in reality, fuel lines are mostly steel except for a few joints which are only a few inches long. There would be no rubber tube long enough to be cut as shown in the film. (01:01:30)

Factual error: In the scene where the jail warden's grand daughter has her baby and he is shocked to see that he is African-American, he goes to the jail to find out who the father is. She had just had her baby but when he holds the baby up to each inmate, that baby is at least 6-9 months old.

Factual error: In one scene supposedly set in the late '70s (Andy was about to get/just got "Taxi"), Andy is playing Ms. Pac Man. I may be wrong here, but didn't Ms. Pac-Man come out in 1982 or 1983? (00:29:30)

Factual error: In the scene where the fire department responds to the fire, the engine is 42. Yet all the fireman's hats say 6. The engine company, station etc. would all be the same number so their helmets should have also been 42.

Factual error: The Monet stolen by TC is credited as being the first painting in the Impressionist school, a clear reference to Monet's "Impression: Sunrise" of 1872. However, the painting shown during the entire film is "San Giorgio Maggiore by Twilight," a 1906 Monet painting.

Factual error: When the police arrive at the Little house to take the "missing person" report, their car has a blue light on top. Police in New York display red lights.

Factual error: This film takes place on New Year's eve in the year 1981, yet between a couple of scenes, it shows the streets of New York filled with modern-day cars and taxis.

Factual error: After the weird little man steals Jamie Fox's car, he starts to pull out of the station. You hear an unmistakable tire squealing sound. Unfortunatly the gas station had a dirt ground. It's probably been pointed out a few thousand times that you can't squeal tires on dirt.

Factual error: In the end credits, the year is given as MCMXCVIX. This is not a correct Roman numeral. It should be MCMXCIX.

Factual error: When Ben and Sarah are on top of the train, they shout and it echoes, but there are no flat surfaces for their voices to reverberate off of.