Audio problem: When Carrie is meeting with Sarah Michelle Gellar and she is told to guess which star is interested in being involved with her project, SMG mouths 'Warren Beatty' and not Matthew MConaughey as is heard.

Audio problem: When Prue is at the dentist, she grabs a guy and he says, "What, what did I do?" to his girlfriend, but his lips do not move.

Audio problem: When Abbie is trying to get Pacey's signature and says, "I'm collecting signatures," the movement of her lips doesn't match the speech. (00:15:05)

Audio problem: Grandma's words don't match her mouth, especially when asking Ashley and Carlos what soda they want.

Monkey See, Doggie Do / Mommy Fearest - S1-E2
Audio problem: In "Mommy Fearest", Ima Goodelady asks the Powerpuff Girls where they are going. Blossom tells her they're fighting crime, Buttercup speaks and then Bubbles adds, "Duh." However, her mouth doesn't move.

Pokemon, I Choose You! - S1-E1
Audio problem: When Delia Ketchum says, "Oh, Ash, I'm so proud of you," the items that the Pallet Town townspeople are holding aren't being moved, however, the sound from banging of those items is heard. (00:07:35)

The Planet of Dr. Moreau - S1-E4
Audio problem: At the very beginning of the episode, the Silver Surfer emerges from a wormhole screaming "No." If you look closely as he is approaching the camera, his mouth is closed until just before he slows his approach.