Trivia: The special edition DVD shows an alternate ending: the ending from the novel in which the reincarnation is not a choice, but part of the natural order. Chris and Annie will meet again in their new lives, but Annie must atone for killing herself. Her new incarnation will die young, and Chris will spend the remainder of this life as a widower before the two are again reunited in Heaven. The film then goes to Sri Lanka where a woman is giving birth to a girl, presumed to be Annie. In Philadelphia, a boy is born, presumably Chris.

Trivia: When Sargent Todd's combat and military record appears on screen, just before the title "between wars" is shown, you can see his different decorations. They refer to Kurt Russell's acting roles: "Plissken patch" (from "Escape from New York/LA"), "McReady" ("The Thing"), "Cash Medal of Bravery" from "Tango and Cash", and "O'Neil Ring Award" from "Stargate" where he played Jack O'Neil.

Trivia: Johnny Chan was only supposed to be a technical advisor for the writers of the film, but his daughter wanted to meet Matt Damon so they went to the set, and since he was there the writers wrote the casino scene and put Chan in it, that's how he got in the movie.

Trivia: The ending was originally different. After the scene where Derek is crying over Danny, it cut to Henry being arrested, then his family in the kitchen mourning him and saying he was a good boy, and then Derek shaving his head again while smiling. When Edward Norton read the script, he said "I thought the movie was supposed to be anti-Nazi." So the ending was soon changed.

Trivia: "Kevin Dunn" is actually also the name of a cast member in the film, the guy who played the pay-per-view TV reporter.

Trivia: When the servant is reading the Italian woman's cards, look at the justice card. It pictures a person in front of a red flag with a yellow star, a lot like the Chinese flag. In the next scene, (after the children's performance), the Chinese woman is standing at her podium in front of a Chinese flag; red with yellow stars.

Trivia: In one of the flashbacks, Arnold asks Victor who his favorite Indian is. Victor responds with "Nobody." The actor who plays Arnold, Gary Farmer, played a Native American character named "Nobody" in the 1995 western film, 'Dead Man'. (00:25:26)

Trivia: Billy Crystal was inspired to co-write My Giant after working with Andre the Giant on the movie The Princess Bride.

Trivia: The pilot of the airplane in the Thanksgiving Play is Susan Sarandon's daughter, Eva Amurri Martino.

Trivia: The lead guitarist in the Jack Frost Band is the film's music composer, Trevor Rabin.

Trivia: When Bulworth walks into the interview wearing the street clothes, the man he says "what's happening, my man" to is George Hamilton himself. Earlier Leroy thought Bulworth was George Hamilton.

Trivia: This sequel was filmed and released at the same time in 1998 as the first film - "Ringu." As the films were based on an incredibly popular book series, the studio thought that releasing the first movie and its sequel simultaneously would drastically increase profits - fans could see the first movie, then immediately pay for another ticket to see the sequel right after. Unfortunately, this tactic backfired. Few people saw this sequel in theaters and it garnered poor word-of-mouth, despite the fact the first film became incredibly popular. As a result, one year later, a new sequel - "Ringu 2" was produced that ignored this film entirely.

Trivia: While Mr. Freeze is at Shaugnessy's, when Shaka smacks Dick across the room, he ends up flat on his back, and in the close-up when Dick raises his head, the buttons on his vest switch sides momentarily. Then the buttons revert back (noted in trivia because it's better when clicked through slowly). (00:24:25)

Trivia: Due to problems with financing this film took 7 years to make.

Trivia: The scene filmed on Ensign Peak during the acid trip, uses a shot from Terminator 2 to simulate Salt Lake City being destroyed by a nuclear blast.

Trivia: In an interview with Leon, he states that he ad-libbed the line "Ain't nobody coming to see you, Otis." Charles Malik Whitfield, who plays Otis, was bothered by this, and his reaction is genuine.