Question: I haven't read the novel, so I don't know if it's addressed there, but after Javert interrogates whom he later finds out to be Cosette in her own home, he goes back to find the house empty, and Cosette and Valjean are now living in another house. Is this an additional house that Valjean already owned as a safe house, or did he just rent it?
Answer: I'd say it was a house he rented.

Question: What game are the three guys playing at the table where Matthew Lillard slaps Randall Batinkoff for no apparent reason?
Answer: Russian Beer Roulette. The scene is meant to be a recreation/tribute of "The Deer Hunter", where they slapped a lot. Instead of a revolver with one round in the chamber, one beer can is shaken up and put in with unshaken up ones so that the "loser" gets sprayed when opening the wrong one.

Question: There is a short scene with a group of African-American youths on a staircase playing this dice game where they throw the dice and take money, or something along those lines. This game has been featured in many other films. What is this game called, and what exactly do you do in it?
Answer: This is almost exactly like the casino game 'Craps'. Except you are only trying to roll your original number. If you roll a '7' before your original number then you lose. If you roll your original number before the '7', then you win. The other crap rules usually do not apply.

Question: The ending apparently had to be reshot, because the original ending leaked out. What was this original ending?
Answer: The original ending features a huge shoot-em-up, involving more than 150 cops, but it was changed to a shoot-em-up on a much smaller scale that involves only Kevin Spacey, Samuel L. Jackson and Ron Rifkin.

Question: Todd has been raised from birth to be totally emotionless. When he is thrown out of the colony, what caused him to cry?
Answer: Emotions aren't just learned. Some are inborn and can't be fully suppressed.
Chosen answer: When they are in the boat, just after "Thomas Kent" delivered Viola's farewell letter to Shakespeare. After a brief discussion about Will's feeling's for Viola, Thomas (Viola) kisses a surprised Will Shakespeare, then rushes away when the boat docks. The ferryman comments to Will that it was actually Lady Viola.
raywest ★