Plot hole: Suzie pulls out some of her teeth with a pair of heavy pliers. This would leave conspicuous tool marks on the teeth that would be visible to the naked eye, let alone under forensic examination. The conclusion would be that Suzie is missing, not dead, and the whole plot would unravel from there.

Plot hole: The parents meet and get married on the QE II and then we jump to the girls getting to camp 11 years and nine months later. We learn their 12th birthdays are on October 11, so at the time of the camp (which must be around July/August) they are 11 years and around 9 months old. They should only be 11, given it takes 9 months to grow a baby, but instead they're nearly 12.
Suggested correction: Elizabeth James got pregnant sometime within the 11 years. Their parents sent them to camp in July because in October they both turn 12. So they are 11 years 9 months old.
The mistake is valid, but perhaps not specific enough about why. The opening scene takes place Jan 8, 1986 (as seen on the marriage licence). Then it says 11 years and 9 months later, which would mean in the next scene it's October 1997 (when it's July 1998). It's 11 years and 9 months after the twins' birth and/or the parents' divorce. But we're not actually shown that part.

Plot hole: In the end of the film it is heard the police want to exhume the body of Charles Lee Ray from his grave site in New Jersey. Now when Chucky and the crew get to the grave site they find and kill a coroner who is digging up the body. He is the only one there at 1am, by himself, a lonely coroner without any police officers, after all this is a police investigation and I doubt the cops would have him there alone. Then right at the end the Detective who is hunting them arrives. Now he is a cop from Lockport, about six states away. A. Why did he drive all that way to see the body? B. A cop from all the way down there shows up but no new Jersey cops are at the scene?

Plot hole: While planting the suicide gear in the bathroom before Buckley comes in, Cooper tells Josh to tie the rope into a noose as they go to hide in the shower. Josh replies that he doesn't even know how to tie a noose. He must be a quick study, because in the 45 seconds or so that it would have taken Buckley to relieve himself and wash his hands, Josh has tied a perfect noose. (01:03:55)

Plot hole: The kidnappers initially ask for a ransom of $50 million. $20 million in $20s, $20 million in $50s, and $10 million in $10s. This translates to a grand total of 2.4 million bills (pieces of paper, that is) Every bill of American currency is 2.61 inches wide, 6.14 inches long, and .0043 inches thick. This makes roughly 2,791 bills to form a 1 foot tall stack. This means that the 2.4 million bills would take up a space of 96 cubic feet (assuming they are packed as tightly as possible). Also, since 490 bills make 1 pound, the 2.4 million bills would weigh (interestingly enough) just over 2.4 tons. No way they can move it.

Plot hole: When Karen is at Moselle's apartment looking for Snoopy, we overhear Kenneth on the phone talking about some boxers who are going to fight. The first thing we hear is him clarifying that the fights were at the State Theater. The fights are always at the State Theater and they always go there to watch them, so it makes no sense for him to have said that, other than to subtly benefit the plot.

Plot hole: When Duke is being chased by the cop, Duke says, "But he won't know what to make of your blinker signal that says you are about to turn right. This is to let him know that you are pulling off for a proper place to talk. It'll take him a moment to realize he is about to make a 180 degree turn in speed. But you will be ready for him." Duke signals he is going to turn off to the right, but when he does, the cop turns to the left. (01:02:40)

Plot hole: Neighbours had called security to complain about loud music and shouting, but no one called to complain about someone running a power saw in a hotel room?

Plot hole: Throughout the movie, Bladebeak works for the villains. But, during the climax, he becomes a good guy without any explanation.

Plot hole: When the gang opens the gate and enter the house, Dog violently headbutts Charles in the face, but immediately afterwards and throughout the rest of the film, there are no cuts, bruises or swellings on Charles' face.