Audio problem: When Finn meets Estella at the club you hear her boyfriend telling a story about Michelangelo. Most of it must have been dubbed, only at the very end he is actually mouthing his words. (00:49:10)

Audio problem: Just after Quinn has been nailed to the wall at the beginning of the movie, he makes some strange noises and then starts talking in "vampire language." This has obviously been dubbed in post-production.

Audio problem: Near the beginning, when the group are discussing the plans for the ambush, Sam asks, "Can you get me a simulator?" When Gregor eventually says, "Quite diverting" his lips fail to move as he speaks. (00:13:40)

Audio problem: Throughout the film, in the long shots of Laurence sat on the psychiatrist's couch, we hear him speaking when his mouth is not moving.

Audio problem: After Smith yells "Where is my money?", his next line starts with "The Sedition...", but his mouth is saying something else.

Audio problem: In the motel, the police are unnerved by a giant, deadly moth-creature banging against the window panes, and they open fire with everything they've got at a range of about ten feet. Strangely, we only hear gunfire sound effects when the camera is looking directly at the police officers firing their weapons. When the camera repeatedly cuts to close-ups of the window (to show the ongoing damage), there are no gunfire sound effects, even though we see and hear the window still popping and shattering under the hail of bullets. This same, awkward, delayed-gunfire sound editing occurs elsewhere throughout the film, as well.