Harry Johanson: Once we have our little baby bombs all over the U.S., they'll be a monthly satellite bill that would make HBO green with envy. A hundred million dollars a month. And if they don't pay, we send the detonation signal... and good-bye, yellow brick road.
Tommy Hendricks: Good-bye, yellow brick road? Better buy some new CD's, Harry. It's pathetic.

Lt. Col. Gordon Tall: The only time you should start worrying about a soldier is when they stop bitchin'.

Mewtwo: Human and Pokemon can NEVER be friends.

Mesh-Head: If I were you, I would run.
Buddy: If you were me, you'd be good-lookin'.

Dock Newton: You ain't any less of a drunk now than you was when hooch was legal.
Jess Newton: Well, you see, there's my point. That particular law ain't really doin' it's job, now is it?

Sir August de Wynter: "John Steed." What a horse's arse of a name.

Nick Kudrow: You know, my wife says my people skills are like my cooking skills: quick and tasteless.

Lawson Russell: Drink, detective?
Clifford Dubose: Nah. Never touch it. Makes me happy.