Anthony 'Hub' Hubbard: You will go to prison.
Agent Frank Haddad: You know what happens to women in prison?
Elise Kraft: Mmmmm... yummm.
Cisco: That mother fucker loaded...he got piles of cash just layin' around the crib.
Mewtwo: Human and Pokemon can NEVER be friends.
John Steed: Mrs. Peel, you're needed.
Lauren Goodhue: I've never missed one of your concerts. Hibbing, however, wasn't at Friday's.
Hibbing Goodhue: It was a high colonic.
Ryan Harrison: Yes, a Jewish holiday. Mazel tov.
John Lee: I'll need guns.
William Riker: We're through running from these bastards!
Dr. Smith: Never trust anyone, especially me.
Mesh-Head: If I were you, I would run.
Buddy: If you were me, you'd be good-lookin'.
Tommy B. Jordan: Look, it's my ass if you take that.
Art Jeffries: Then don't tell anyone.
Dock Newton: You ain't any less of a drunk now than you was when hooch was legal.
Jess Newton: Well, you see, there's my point. That particular law ain't really doin' it's job, now is it?