Best action movie quotes of 1998

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Enemy of the State picture

Congressman Phillip Hammersley: Telecommunications Security and Privacy Act. Invasion of privacy is more like it. - You read the Post?"This bill is not the first step towards the surveillance society. It is the surveillance society."

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Knock Off picture

Harry Johanson: Once we have our little baby bombs all over the U.S., they'll be a monthly satellite bill that would make HBO green with envy. A hundred million dollars a month. And if they don't pay, we send the detonation signal... and good-bye, yellow brick road.
Tommy Hendricks: Good-bye, yellow brick road? Better buy some new CD's, Harry. It's pathetic.

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Godzilla picture

Philippe Roaché: I am Philippe Roaché, dgse - Direction Générale de la Sécurité Extérieure.
Dr. Niko Tatopoulus: It sounds big.
Philippe Roaché: French Secret Service.
Dr. Niko Tatopoulus: Oh.

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The Thin Red Line picture

Lt. Col. Gordon Tall: The only time you should start worrying about a soldier is when they stop bitchin'.

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Hard Rain picture

Henry: I'm going to row back there and see if he will shoot you. Or me. It's fine either way.

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Firestorm picture

Shaye: In case you haven't noticed... we're not firemen.

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Pokemon: the First Movie picture

Mewtwo: Human and Pokemon can NEVER be friends.

More Pokemon: the First Movie quotes
Six-String Samurai picture

Mesh-Head: If I were you, I would run.
Buddy: If you were me, you'd be good-lookin'.

More Six-String Samurai quotes
Who Am I? picture

Morgan's hitman: You've got two choices. Give us the disk and jump off.
Morgan's Hitman: Or number two, we take the disk and throw you off.
Who Am I?: I like the third choice: I keep the disk, and I throw you both off.

More Who Am I? quotes
From the Earth to the Moon picture

Guenter Wendt: We drill! We drill the hell out of everything. We drill and we drill until we know every step in our sleep - and then we drill some more.

More From the Earth to the Moon quotes
The Newton Boys picture

Dock Newton: You ain't any less of a drunk now than you was when hooch was legal.
Jess Newton: Well, you see, there's my point. That particular law ain't really doin' it's job, now is it?

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More The Avengers quotes
Deep Rising picture

Finnegan: Like a fine wine, I'm aging gracefully, thank you.
Mason: Like a fine wine my ass. You look more like a keg of beer to me.

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Wrongfully Accused picture

Sir Robert McKintyre: Hibbing has been my good friend since our school days at Cherry Pants-upon-Buttocks.

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Mercury Rising picture

Nick Kudrow: You know, my wife says my people skills are like my cooking skills: quick and tasteless.

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3 Ninjas: High Noon At Mega Mountain picture

Sam Douglas: So uh, just another typical day at the park, eh boys?
Colt Douglas: Yeah, pretty boring, I guess.

More 3 Ninjas: High Noon At Mega Mountain quotes
More A Murder of Crows quotes
Legionnaire picture

Guido Rosetti: I don't want to fight you.
Rolf Bruner: Yeah? But I do.

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The Replacement Killers picture

Wei: Do not confuse luck with skill.

More The Replacement Killers quotes
Ground Control picture

Laura Franklin: Sky Atlantic 62, Phoenix Tower. Captain, you need to do a 360.
Pilot: Damn it tower, do you know it costs this airline two grand in fuel every time we circle?
Laura Franklin: Sky Atlantic 62, give me four thousand dollars worth.

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