Trivia: The creators of the show, Matt Stone and Trey Parker, based the Stan Marsh and Kyle Brosfloski characters after themselves (Stan being Parker and Kyle being Stone.) The Eric Cartman character was partly based on Archie Bunker.

Trivia: The J in T.J. stands for Jasper.

Trivia: Given that the BBC are very much against product placement in their shows, its shocking the amount of placement that goes on in Alan Partridge. Its really in your face stuff. Ginsters pasties, BP petrol, Lexus cars, Flavia coffee machines, Directors bitter, Twix and Yorkie bars. In every episode the above are mentioned on numerous occastions. Not that I give a hoot about product placement myself, but am so surprised at how blatently obvious it is and yet the BBC have always been so against it.

The Wedding of Bobby Hill - S3-E14
Trivia: During Hanks's conversation with Bobby when he tells him that he will have to marry Luanne, look at the shelf behind Bobby. There is a Bart Simpson doll there. A few years before this was featured the Hill family was in the crowd at one of the pee wee football games in the Simpsons episode "Bart Star".

Trivia: John Marshall Jones, who plays Yvette's father, Floyd Henderson, is only ten years older than Essence Atkins.

Trivia: Elaine, played by Jane Krakowski, played cousin Vicky in the first "Vacation" movie - her first onscreen appearance.

2001 Special (Paedophillia) - S1-E7
Trivia: This particular show had the entire country up in arms. Parliament discussed the very future of ch 4. The tabloids were fuming. Chris Morris was even getting death threats. The entire premise worked a treat.

Trivia: During the Fatman cartoon, when the fish is using his charge card, a zoomed in shot of the card itself is shown. The fish's bank is noted as "DNA", a reference to the Fatman cartoon's producer, DNA Productions.

Trivia: Whenever Daria's family eats together at home, they always eat lasagna.
Suggested correction: That's usually the case but not every episode. There's an episode where they are eating Penne a la Pesto instead, and another one had pizza.

Trivia: Brian Dennehy played the father of Chris Farley in "Tommy Boy", which starred Chris Farley and David Spade. In this show, Dennehy plays the father of David Spade.