Plot hole: Didn't Dexter ever notice the giant fire pit in the ant farm?
Suggested correction: This is more of a question than a mistake. (To be fair, I don't think questions were a feature yet back when this was posted.) No, he didn't. He only noticed the fire pit (and the colosseum) when he was inside the ant farm. It most likely just wasn't visible to him from the outside, or it was too small for him to see it.
The Aptitude Test / Oskar Gets a Job - S3-E9
Plot hole: Mr. Simmons asked that each student put their name on the test folders, but the folders already had names on them when he handed them out.
Plot hole: Kenan ends up out of the door when trying to persuade the robbers not to give. Surely with all the media attention, a camera would have spotted him, and his family would realise it's Kenan. (00:20:30)