Best movie questions of 1996

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The Birdcage picture

Question: What is the song playing when you see Agador for the first time dancing in the kitchen?

Answer: Conga by Gloria Estefan.

Tobin OReilly

More The Birdcage questions
Fear picture

Question: After Laura and Steve leave to go out of town, Nicole calls David to come over. He's in the car with Logan and during this scene, while talking to Nicole, he's rubbing something in his lap, under his arm. What is he rubbing? Is it someone's head or his knee?

Answer: I always thought it was a girl giving him a blow job.

Me too! I've seen it more than once and it's not until I'm watching it just now that it shows up as a dog, I could have sworn it was a girl.

Answer: He is petting a dog that's sitting on his lap.

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Set it Off picture

Question: How did Luther know where they stashed the money, and how did he blow through over $750,000 practically overnight?

Answer: I would also think Luther had found his "Retirement Fund" and was not going to give it up that easy, and had it hidden in a way that it was not going to be easily found, like he did, thanks to the not so crafty criminals who hid almost a million dollars in an air vent.

I agree with that answer. Bear in mind that if Luther could find the money easily, something he must have done as part of his job as the chief janitor of the building, he sure as hell wasn't going to make it easy for the next person to get it from him. And the amount, according to "Francheska" (Frankie), was "Over $75K and counting..." not $750K. There's a big difference.


I thought it was "296,000 and counting."

Answer: Luther worked as the cleaner in the building where the girls hid the money in the air duct. He apparently just happened to come across it while cleaning. As to blowing through it, he may have been lying to them that it was all gone, but he had already bought some pretty expensive items. Something like a fancy sports car alone can cost $100,000 or more.


Raywest, I don't think he even admitted to having the money at all, except denying that he even knew anything about it before "Teshaun" (Tete) shot him from behind. That act alone rendered recovery of whatever was left almost impossible. Luther went to the grave with that secret.


I thought they worked for him, so why would he be cleaning? Also, who cleans air vents in an office building?

Answer: The girls were certainly not the craftiest of criminals, certainly amateurs. You NEVER hide that kind of cash in an air vent - EVER. Unfortunately, in life, you take the exam and the lesson is learned after.


More Set it Off questions
Phenomenon picture

Question: Why didn't he use his crazy super intelligence, or his telekinesis, to either find a cure for his tumor or at the very least slide the tumor out of his own brain?

Answer: 1. After losing consciousness a second time, George wakes up in the hospital and is told by Dr. Brunder that instead of the tumor destroying brain function, it has been stimulating it not only making George hallucinate seeing a bright light, but, was also responsible for giving him his abilities. Unfortunately, by the time the tumor was detected, it had grown out of control meaning that George had only a short time to live making a search for a cure impossible, especially since he was told there was a very slim chance of survival if he had it removed. 2. If George had tried to use telekinesis to remove the tumor, he would probably have ended up killing himself in the process.

Answer: George saw the alien light flash twice. The implication was that the first alien light flash actually created the "tumor" in George's brain, and it was the tumor that gave him his superhuman abilities. There's no way George could telekinetically remove the tumor or send it into remission because it was the source of his powers. If he started tampering with it, he would instantly lose his powers.

Charles Austin Miller

Ah yes.

More Phenomenon questions
D3: The Mighty Ducks picture

Question: Did Charlie ever work at the skate shop?

Answer: You can see Charlie working at the skate shop in the second movie, with Jan saying that he hired him because he was spending so much time there to avoid being around his stepfather.


More D3: The Mighty Ducks questions

Chosen answer: Her real name is Eva, but in Spanish putting "ito" or "ita" on the end of a name makes it sort of a term of endearment. "Evita" literally means "little Eva."


More Evita questions
The Hunchback of Notre Dame picture

Question: When Frollo, has Ezmeralda, in his grip in the the church, he says "I was just imagining a rope around that beautiful neck" and she says "i know what you were imagining", what was he thinking? I assume its something sexual, but its a cartoon.

Answer: It was most certainly sexual. Frollo's whole arc was his fight against his carnal desires (seeing Esmerelda dancing in the fire, sniffing her hair, etc). In order to maintain a G-rating, they couldn't be overtly sexual, which is why it's done through suggestion and subtext.

JC Fernandez

Answer: The entire point is that he lusts after her. However, the Disney movie does not dive into that nearly as much as the novel.

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Romeo + Juliet picture

Question: I first saw this film on TV in Britain a few years ago and the song "Exit Music for a Film" by Radiohead played over the end credits. Everytime I have viewed it on television since then, another song from the soundtrack is played at the same point in the movie. Could the change possibly be because its become an expensive song to use as they have become a more high-profile group?

Answer: Whatever songs are in the movie were licensed for distribution by the film production company for a fixed price. It is impossible for there to be later fees somehow incurred on the production company just because the group is more popular. However, it's conceivable that Radiohead only allowed their song for use in cinemas but not television.

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The Phantom picture

Question: If Diana was able to recognize Kit even after years of not seeing him then how come she didn't notice he has the same voice as the Phantom, whom she had just been with the day before? He doesn't try to disguise his voice in any way.

Answer: She was preoccupied trying to escape from the bad guys and annoyed that a guy in a purple suit, was trying to save her, when she said, "I can do it myself." It was most likely later, in New York, when the met face to face. Kit and Diana, when she put two and two together. Again was too preoccupied trying to save the world to pause and confront him.

Answer: In real life, she would likely have recognized it. Movies employ a "suspension of disbelief." Audiences are expected to accepted something they know is not realistic in order for the plot to play out.


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Jingle All the Way picture

Question: When Howard gets home late, he mentions to Liz that he got a speeding ticket. Since he was driving on the shoulder of the road, shouldn't he have got a ticket for that too?

Answer: The cop never states why he pulled Howard over, what he was charging him with or how many tickets he was issued. Howard just says, "I got a speeding ticket.' and holds up a folded piece of paper, so it's likely the ticket was for driving on the shoulder.

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Beautiful Thing picture

Question: What is the song that plays during the scene when the boy kiss in the woods?


Chosen answer: Make Your Own Kind Of Music, by Mama Cass.

More Beautiful Thing questions

Answer: According to, Greg Kinnear did.

T Poston

More Beavis and Butthead Do America questions
Don't Be a Menace to South Central While Drinking Your Juice in the Hood picture

Question: What is the tagline for the Black to the Hood movie Billboard?

Answer: The tagline goes "He was never on time for his parole officer.... He wasn't on time for his sentencing.... Then one day....he wasn't in the hood at all."

Carl Missouri

More Don't Be a Menace to South Central While Drinking Your Juice in the Hood questions
Thinner picture

Question: How could Richie get the gypsy's dogs to eat the strychnine laced food? Shouldn't the dogs have been able to smell it?

Answer: I believe strychnine is odorless, so a dog would not be able to smell it. At the same time, it apparently has a bitter taste, which would question why a dog would ingest it - but some dogs tend to "swallow" or gulp food without chewing it, so may not notice the strychnine's bitter taste.


Answer: That doesn't mean the dog wouldn't eat it. Some dogs will eat almost anything, often voraciously, and it is not unusual for dogs to be poisoned in this manner.


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Doctor Who: The Movie picture

Question: How could The Masters' trial and execution take place on Skaro when it was destroyed in "Remembrance of the Daleks"?


Chosen answer: They don't specify at what point in Skaro's history it took place. Only the passage of time on Gallifrey is absolute.

Captain Defenestrator

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White Squall picture

Question: During the dance with the skipper and his wife while at the Dutch girls' school, there is a cat on the serving table. Was the cat supposed to be there?

Answer: No.

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Black Sheep picture

Question: When Chris Farley's character it talking for his brother at the concert, he sees the black guys he was smoking weed with and tells the audience to "kill whitey" which stuns the audience into silence. I have heard this phrase before. What does it mean?


Chosen answer: It means kill the white man.


More Black Sheep questions

Chosen answer: The darker one is darkness, the lighter one is ghost.

More The Ghost and the Darkness questions
Emma picture

Question: What is the song that Emma sings with Frank Churchill when she plays the pianoforte?

Answer: The song is 'Silent Worship' by Handel.


More Emma questions
Mars Attacks! picture

Question: I heard this movie was a remake or a compilation of different themes used in 1950's mars B-movie remakes. What are some of the themes of the movies that this movie takes? Such as, In Mars Attacks they use the music to kill the aliens I believe is a rip from a 50's movie where they use sound waves to down martian spaceships. What movie was that?


Chosen answer: While the movie is a parody of the 50's sci-fi B-movies, the film is actually based on the Topps 1962 science fiction trading card collection called "Mars Attacks!", which tells the tale of the Martians' attack.


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