Question: What is the whole conversation in the first French class between Chris' friend, the teacher and Sarah?
Question: Why didn't Casey ring the police, after the call when she realied he was taunting and making threats?
Answer: Landline phones like the one used in the movie cannot dial out a phone number while the line is active. Considering the killer is continuously calling her, she can't dial out on the phone line. This is referenced in the movie itself when her parents arrive home, attempt to dial 911, and can't due to the line still being active.
Answer: Characters in horror movies are notorious for not doing the most obvious things. It's most likely that she was scared and not thinking straight at receiving numerous threatening phone calls, particularly when she is threatened after hanging up on the killer.
Also, when she told the caller that she was "two seconds away from calling the police", his response was that they'd never make it in time. She also knew he was nearby as he made comments that indicated he could see her. She didn't know it was someone that knew her. She's a teenager and scared, so her judgement was clouded. She reached a point where she believed her only chance was to get away from him by either fighting him or getting out and hiding somewhere outside.
Even in real life, people don't always think of something obvious when a situation is actually happening. I was a victim of armed robbery and almost died. No matter how much you read/hear about what to do in those situations, actually being in one is much different. It's easy for someone else to observe and say what a person should have done.
Question: Does anyone know the song that plays on the radio after a Graboid swallows it?
Answer: Trouble by Travis Tritt.
Question: After Laura and Steve leave to go out of town, Nicole calls David to come over. He's in the car with Logan and during this scene, while talking to Nicole, he's rubbing something in his lap, under his arm. What is he rubbing? Is it someone's head or his knee?
Answer: I always thought it was a girl giving him a blow job.
Me too! I've seen it more than once and it's not until I'm watching it just now that it shows up as a dog, I could have sworn it was a girl.
Answer: He is petting a dog that's sitting on his lap.
Question: How could Richie get the gypsy's dogs to eat the strychnine laced food? Shouldn't the dogs have been able to smell it?
Answer: I believe strychnine is odorless, so a dog would not be able to smell it. At the same time, it apparently has a bitter taste, which would question why a dog would ingest it - but some dogs tend to "swallow" or gulp food without chewing it, so may not notice the strychnine's bitter taste.
Question: How did the people behind the film achieve the effect of making the actors look like ghosts. I truly have no idea.
Chosen answer: For the most part, the actors playing the ghosts were shot separately on blue-screens, and then comped into the scenes. (By removing the blue background through a process called "color keying", and placing them over the scenes) They were simply given a blueish glow and made semi-translucent to complete the effect. It was pretty cutting edge back in the 90's, but nowadays, it'd be very easy to make the exact same effect using a simple program like Adobe After Effects.
Question: How did the big, black vampire die? I know that he melted after Harvey Keitel ran him through with the shotgun, but I didn't see anything used that would actually "kill" a vampire. There was no holy water, crosses, etc. used on him.
Answer: Well Keitel turned the shotgun into a cross. So he touched the cross and melted.
Question: When Montgomery is giving injections to the beast people, he tells Douglas that the injections prevent them from retrogressing. What would they have retrogressed into?
Answer: The animals they had been before receiving Dr. Moreau's treatments.
Answer: Translation on the board: "if you would have done your homework, you would understand" Teacher: "I hope you had a good weekend" " (Calls to the students name) Your weekend went good?" Student: "Very good" Teacher: "What did you do during the weekend? Did you go to the beach, or did you find a elegant woman?" "Search for a woman?" Student: "oh did you mean did I get laid" (now you see why he says that) Teacher: "In french, in french! (says students name) " Student: "a lot of... a lot of lay" Girl (sorry I forgot her name): "What a idiot, moron" Teacher: "Well, our new student m'am your french is very good!" (Conversation goes on in English) Teacher: (says what the board says) "if you would have done your homework, you would understand" By the way what they're learning in this French class is L'imparfait tense.