Best sci-fi TV questions of 1995

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Star Trek: Voyager picture

Thirty Days - S5-E9

Question: Was Tom successful in his mission or did the torpedo that was launched by Tuvok from Voyager stop him from succeeding?

Answer: The torpedo stopped him from succeeding.


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Sliders picture

Pilot (1) - S1-E1

Question: In the beginning episode, Quinn's timer will allow him to slide from one dimension to the next before sending him back to his own world. Later, after escaping the frozen world, the timer sends everybody to another dimension rather then back home and continues this way for the rest of the show. What caused this malfunction?

Answer: The warning that his double never got to finish before being sent back to his home dimension was not to speed up the timer. That's what scrambled the timer's coordinates and launched them on the quest to find home.

Captain Defenestrator

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