Best sci-fi movie audio problems of 1995

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Twelve Monkeys picture

Audio problem: When Cole and Railly discover the twelve monkeys symbol on the walls, Cole grabs Railly's arm and shouts "Hey!" twice, but his lips don't move the second time. (00:57:45)


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Judge Dredd picture

Audio problem: When Judge Dread and Rob Schneider are running to escape from oncoming guards they are stopped by one guard right before they leave on the motorcycle. The guard says "I knew it was you Dredd." The camera focuses on him before he is done saying that but his mouth is not moving.

More Judge Dredd audio problems
Outbreak picture

Audio problem: Between 1:12:26 and 1:12:37 into the film, as the chopper lands near the outer perimeter of the cordon for Cedar Creek, the audio has mixed into it civilian ATC conversations from a commercial airport, instead of military center. Specifically, ".cleared to land 24R.Delta 1781 cross runway 24L.". The chopper should not be on civilian freq at an airport far from his operating area or landing zone. You can compare the audio at 1:25:20 when the army loach leaves the flight line, ATC audio is presumed to be on the right freq and is ordered to RTB / land. (01:12:25)


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Tank Girl picture

Audio problem: When Rebecca is filling up her tank gun with beers, you hear her voice but her mouth doesn't move.

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Virtuosity picture

Audio problem: When Parker and Sid are fighting on the rooftop at the end, watch and listen because when Parker jumps to the rail where Sid is. After managing to barely climb over the rail, he punches Sid. About two seconds later, the punch sound takes affect after the scene is gone.

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The Langoliers picture

Audio problem: Another audio problem in the same scene: As Brian Engle is approaching the cockpit, there is some more muttering, presumably in this order (using actors initials: MLC: Right, Good God. PW: Is he (muffled) MLC: I know, I seem real strange. He's outta control.


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Strange Days picture

Audio problem: When Lenny, Masey and Max have found Tic "cooked off" in his van, Masey and Max are having a discussion and there is a shot of Lenny in the van, trying to make Tic more comfortable. Behind him, you can see Masey and she is obviously talking, but unfortunately, it is Max we can hear in voiceover.

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Congo picture

Audio problem: When Charles Travis meets Jeffrey by the river bank, Jeffrey is heard speaking but his mouth doesn't match what he says. (00:04:30)


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Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie picture

Audio problem: Billy swings across the construction site to help Aiesha, he then stamps on some ooze men's heads. He counts each stomp up to 6 and we hear 6 stomps. However there are only 3 ooze men, and we can plainly see Billy doesn't stomp any more than once. (00:25:25)


More Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie audio problems

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