Factual error: The military ranks for everyone but O'Neil are wrong. O'Neil is a Colonel (Full bird), Kawalsky is wearing the insignia of a Lt Colonel, but is referred to by O'Neil simply as Lt., when he should be called Colonel. All the others are wearing enlisted stripes (Ferretti - TSgt, but is credited as Lieutenant Ferretti), the others are also credited as "Lieutenant", but wearing enlisted stripes.

Factual error: We're told they carbon dated the gold to determine its age. Problem is, the gold hasn't aged by the normal processs - as it's been brought forward in time it will appear to be extremely new. As such carbon dating wouldn't work. Also, carbon dating only works on things that were alive and absorbed carbon-14; gold, having never been alive, could not be dated this way.

Factual error: We are told at least twice that the airport scenes take place at Newark International Airport (now Newark Liberty Airport) in New Jersey, but one shot shows a sign that reads "Bienvenue a Montreal," showing where the scene was actually filmed.

Factual error: A bottle of champagne in space rotates around its centre of mass, not the midpoint of its axis of symmetry.

Factual error: Justine is accused of murdering Victor's young brother and is taken by police. A lynch mob takes her to the top of a fortress wall, drapes a noose around her neck and tosses her over the side. She falls for what looks like at least 8 metres. When the rope comes taut, she is killed but her head isn't ripped off by the force of the fall. Falling for that distance should have torn her head from her body.

Factual error: The drug-runners at the start of the film mention that their scheme is to smuggle cocaine by mixing it with molten plastic, molding the plastic into dolls, shipping them and then re-melting the plastic to separate the cocaine again, which will leave it "100% pure." While you can indeed smuggle cocaine by mixing it with plastic, the process to recover it is way more intricate than simply re-melting the plastic, and requires chemists to treat the plastic with all sorts of chemicals and compounds in a complex process (and it will not be "100% pure" as suggested), and it is usually done with larger plastic objects (like plastic dog-houses or car-parts), as something the size of a doll isn't going to be able to hold all that much cocaine.