Question: When Lamont is struggling to stop the Phurba from cutting his throat, how did he finally manage to get control over the Phurba and use it to stab Khan?
Answer: He had never gone up against someone like him. A man who not only knew how to harness his abilities, but had mastered them as well, like young Luke going up against Vader. He finally found the strength and the courage to fight and defeat him.

Question: How exactly does an escaped male mental patient who's posing as a woman a) work as a police officer without having violent mood swings most of the time, b) acquire money for breast implants and c) avoid a single physical examination that would have exposed his penis?
Answer: Just because someone has been institutionalized doesn't mean they have mood swings. If this was a manic episode (which it appears to be) there wouldn't be any swings at all. Just manic all the time. It wouldn't last forever, but its different for everyone. As for the money, plastic surgery can be financed! and we don't know if s/he had money stashed away beforehand. And for the last question, I just don't know. Not very likely, but some people get through lots of physical testing that shouldn't. Possibly documents were forged? Just speculation on my part.
Answer: The money came from her pro football career, She stole an identity to become a police officer.

Question: Probably a dumb question, but does Robert Englund really paint pictures for a hobby...or was that simply made up for the film?
Chosen answer: According to his wife, the painting was made specifically for the movie. Robert doesn't paint at all.
Answer: He's a surfer dude, he wanted to be polishing his boards for that scene.

Question: In the courtroom scene Tommy Lee Jones' character says "That's a pretty suit, Sharon." She says, "Drop dead, Roy!" Susan Sarandon's name is Reggie. Am I mistaken about hearing the name Susan?

Question: What happens to Hendrix and Dr Hoover? They were never seen again since they both tied up by Cornell and his henchmen but what does Cornell means "Not on the rug"?
Answer: Hendricks and Dr Hoover were killed, when Cornell says, "not on the rug" he means don't kill them on the rug, it will be messy. The rug was most likely an antique.
Why was that a reward though for Hendricks. It wasn't his rug.
Answer: Mind control over matter.