Factual error: Paris was surrounded by the German army on September 20th 1870, until January 1871 due to the aftermath of the Franco-Prussian War. This was an obvious danger after the defeat of the French army on September 2nd. No-one in Paris, however, seems to notice. (01:10:25)

Factual error: In the closing credits Matthew McConaughey's name is misspelt "Matthew McConnaughey." (01:20:00)

Factual error: The guns Lamont Cranston uses in his "The Shadow" persona are Lar Grizzly MK1 Longslide. The movie is set in the 1930s and the pistols weren't developed before the early 80s.

Factual error: Justine is accused of murdering Victor's young brother and is taken by police. A lynch mob takes her to the top of a fortress wall, drapes a noose around her neck and tosses her over the side. She falls for what looks like at least 8 metres. When the rope comes taut, she is killed but her head isn't ripped off by the force of the fall. Falling for that distance should have torn her head from her body.

Factual error: When Dylan wakes up in the hospital, under a plastic tent, we hear the iconic "flat-lining" sound of a heart monitor. Dylan then removes the clamp from his finger and the sound stops. The clamp is an oximeter, a device that measures blood oxygen concentration. The wires going under his shirt are the heart monitor. The sound should not have stopped. (01:12:42)