Question: Are the people present at the digging site when they're discussing new approaches to analyzing skeletons supposed to be paleontologists in dr. Grant's group? If so, why would they laugh at his musings of "how dinos learned how to fly"? And why would he have to explain it to them? Seemed to me like he is explaining very basic stuff to the people that would already know this (and of course, to the movie audience).

Question: Why does Mrs Conehead begin screaming when she sees the eggplant in the grocery store?
Answer: Because they resemble infant coneheads. To her, it would appear that they were selling babies.

Question: I remember seeing this movie multiple times years back, and i distinctly remember the restaurant being Taco Bell, why the sudden badly dubbed pizza hut in the new television version?
Answer: A number of the European releases of the film replaced Taco Bell with Pizza Hut, as Pizza Hut has a significant international presence, whereas Taco Bell is relatively unknown outside the US, with very few restaurants. While most versions around these days keep the US original dialogue, the altered versions do occasionally crop up, particularly on television.
Answer: In South Africa we also had a version that called the restaurant Burger King. I just always assumed that they changed the name when a franchise offered them more money for product placement.

Question: Is there any reason why this film was toned down so much in comparison to the previous two films? Much of this film played like a Saturday-morning-cartoon, and less like the gritty and violent predecessors. Just curious as to why this radical (and unnecessary) change was made.

Question: Before taking possession of Deputy Josh, why did Jason shave off the mustache?
Answer: There isn't much of a feasible in-movie explanation. In truth, the entire scene was added by the director because he felt the movies were pretty sexist in that it was mostly women who were either nude or sexualized. Thus, he added an inherently homo-erotic sequence involving one man shaving another stripped man to "level the playing field" so-to-speak. The only real explanation I could think of is that maybe the creature just thought it'd feel uncomfortable transferring to a man with a mustache. But even that's shaky at best.

Question: Keanu Reeves appeared in heavy makeup for this film in the uncredited (yet prominent) supporting role of "Ortiz the Dog Boy," and most viewers were oblivious to Reeves' involvement in the movie for many years after its release. Inasmuch as Reeves had starred twice before in comedies with Alex Winter, I'm only guessing that this film's producers didn't want a "Bill and Ted" association to complicate or misdirect the film's marketing; but why exactly did Reeves go uncredited in "Freaked"?
Answer: Honestly, I think it was just a bit of fun for Reeves. It's really not uncommon for prominent actors to do uncredited roles and cameos in films. I've seen it happen before many times. And given that the director/co-writer/co-producer is his "Bill and Ted" co-star Alex Winter, I have serious doubts they were worried about any "Bill and Ted" association. (If anything that would have helped them at the box office.) It was probably a case of Reeves doing it as a favor for a friend, and they decided to have fun with it and keep him uncredited to see if anyone would figure it out.

Question: After Marti's father returns to her and Andy, they are driving through the base. Marti's father tells her not to show emotion because they can be fooled. She looks at him and realizes he is one of them. What was different about him that made Marti realize the truth? Her dad was acting normal and I could not see him giving anything away so what did I miss?
Chosen answer: I actually just watched this movie again today and I think it was because he was acting too calm and quiet. Marti might have got suspicious from the slight change in his personality. He also wasn't sweaty anymore and didn't have that white patch on his cheek that you can see in the previous scene when he picks up the phone in the doctor's office.
Answer: Before Steve ran off to find help the baddies were chasing them, when he reappeared the pod people just ignored them. Then he was driving someplace that was not an escape route, which, I believe, was what first tipped Marti off. And because he repeated the same exact line.
Answer: They are not paleontologists, just people interested in dinosaurs. It is common for museums and other scientific organizations to offer the general public an opportunity to participate in a real paleontology dig. For a fee, they become an exhibition team member for a period of time, learn about dinosaurs, help excavate fossils, and so on. This is likely how Dr. Grant (or his institution) supplements his research funding.
raywest ★