Other mistake: In the scene where Madonna is pouring candle wax on Defoe, once they start having sex (with Madonna on top), you can clearly see Defoe's manhood poking out where it shouldn't. I realise they're not actually having sex, but shouldn't it be taped up out of sight?

Other mistake: When the Earp Brothers first arrive at Tombstone Fred White is telling them about the Cowboys and says "there's three of them now," the camera then shows four people wearing the red sash of the Cowboys.

Other mistake: During Waverly's second chess match, her opponent says "check" (and play continues) even though it is checkmate.

Other mistake: After Molly crashes the taxi, she is standing outside in the bitter cold. Yet you never see her breath (vapor) when she is speaking or when she is huffing and puffing when confronted by the wolf.

Other mistake: In the scene where Andrea is being sucked into the fan at the Gotham worlds fair, Batman rides in on his motorcycle. He turns into the fan to rescue her, but his cape is flapping in the opposite direction in which the fans are sucking.

Other mistake: When Baines takes Ada to bed, and she removes her clothes, her skin is smooth without blemishes. This would not be the case in real life when wearing corsets etc. They leave indentations on the skin.

Other mistake: When the real First Lady and the fake President emerge from the secret passageway leading to the fountain, there is an extremely bad process shot of the White House, which jumps visibly. (01:06:10)

Other mistake: In the second wedding scene, as Don Pedro and Claudio are walking up the aisle you can see an extra jumping over the benches on the left-hand side of the screen. He clears the first one, but trips on the second and falls flat on his face.

Other mistake: In the scene where Nina assassinates a woman from the hotel room with a rifle, she kills her with three or four shots. The rifle she had was a bolt action and could not be fired that quickly.

Other mistake: On the second day, Phil did his same tasks at about the same time as the previous day, so everything lining up the same made sense. However, on day 3, he quickly rushes out of his hotel, avoiding interacting with most of the people he did before and gets to the street with the beggar much sooner than he did before. Yet Ned still is there crossing the street and sees him exactly the same as before. However with Phil having skipped so much he would have gotten there and passed that spot a good while before Ned would have gotten there, and they should not have had the exchange again on day 3. Same thing for when he arrives at the Groundhog Festival, with Rita greeting him like he's late. But he would have gotten there much sooner this time.

Other mistake: When Clarence and Alabama meet in the movie, the scene from "Street Fighter" is initially seen at the beginning of the movie, the next scene they show of the film takes place at the end. (00:05:44)

Other mistake: In the scene where Chris O'Donnell is going to rescue the two damsels being chased, he dismounts from his horse that is already tied to the cart and ties the horse with the other rein.

Other mistake: The puppies constantly change age/size between scenes. Notably near the beginning, in the basement they are old enough to be walking around when the janitor is whistling to them, and a few minutes later in the Newton's basement they are nearly newborn. When the family go on holiday, when Ted is showing the puppies to the girl with braces, they have grown quite big to nearly adult size, and in the next scene where Mr. Newton is chopping firewood and they are cooped up, they are pretty young again.