Plot hole: After Max and Allison rescue Dani from the witches, Max is driving his parents' car. Winifred flies up along side of them and asks Max to show her his driver's permit. How would she know about driving permits, since she's been dead for 300 years?
Suggested correction: There is a lot the movie doesn't show us about who they've passed and what they heard all evening. One example being we don't know everything the bus driver said to them. It's perfectly reasonable they heard somebody make reference to a driver's permit and the movie did not show us this conversation deeming it invalid to the plot.
Not referring to a learner's permit. She would have known what it means. She's emulating a cop pulling him over. She would have to know what that means...and know the difference between a license and a learners permit. Enough to find it funny and relevant to the situation.

Plot hole: It seems unlikely that Debbie would have managed to take the photographs of her husbands' murders she shows the Addams family at the end, especially considering the angle of the shot of the surgeon. He's not looking at the cam so she wasn't holding it.

Plot hole: Michael McKean quits pursuing Beldar and approximately 15 years pass as indicated by Connie growing up, yet when you see McKean again and his assistant, they have not aged at all.

Plot hole: Even if the 30 bus passengers that were already dead had been burned up in the explosion of the building their bodies would still have been autopsied after the fact, thus proving that Phoenix had killed them beforehand and vindicated Spartan.
Suggested correction: Considering a building fell on the bodies it would be extremely hard to determine the actual cause of death. Phoenix also could have killed them in a way that doesn't easily show in an autopsy, like asphyxiation.
True, but why would they take the word of a known murdering kingpin over a police officer that while may not do things by the book, has always been for the greater good? It just seems way too far fetched.
The lack of soot and other ignition debris in the lungs and tracheas of the dead bodies would have immediately told the pathologists and coroners who examined the bodies that the hostages were dead before the building was destroyed by an explosion supposedly set off by John Spartan. It doesn't matter how badly mangled the bodies were - a tissue sample no bigger than your little finger would have told them everything they needed to know. John Spartan did not commit manslaughter.

Plot hole: In Weekend at Bernie's one, Larry takes Bernie's watch and never puts it back on the body. In Weekend at Bernie's II, he gets the watch at the morgue after it's been taken off the body, and signs for it. How did the watch get back on the body?

Plot hole: Even though Rita left the choir early into rehearsal for the contest, and her mother took her music away to prevent her practising before she had learned it, she still manages to know the song by heart and the dance routine perfectly when she rejoins her friends last minute. She couldn't have perfected her performance in the time she had.
Suggested correction: First off, I think it's possible for them to practice the song as they're going to the performance and second, the dance routine looked more improvised and considering that they changed the arrangement at last minute, I think it makes sense. Also, who's to say that Rita doesn't have a good memory?
On the same note, they repeated the same moves a couple times. She probably just caught on.

Plot hole: It is firmly established in the last half of the film that movie characters and movie weapons do inflict damage and death in the real world. However, early in the film, a bundle of dynamite comes straight through the movie screen and explodes in the real world movie theatre. That quantity of dynamite should have gutted the theatre, easily; but, when Danny Madigan and Jack Slater cross from the movie world back into the real world, there is absolutely no damage to the theatre.

Plot hole: When it's learned that Jonah has taken a flight to New York by himself, the panicked adults never think to contact United Airlines, the New York Police Department, port authorities, airport security, the taxi companies, or the Empire State Building staff to alert them that an unaccompanied minor child is headed their way. Instead, Sam hops on the next flight to NYC to search for Jonah by himself. Considering the many hours Jonah waits on the Empire observation deck alone, it is apparent that none of the above knew he was there.

Plot hole: Where are all the graduating students? The ones that are going to be seniors the next fall are established. But what about the ones who graduated? There is absolutely no sign of any one of them anywhere, not at the Emporium, that at the outdoor party, nowhere.
Suggested correction: When Randy, Tony, Mike and Cynthia are all standing outside the classroom trying to convince Tony to come to the party, Mike mentions that all the graduating seniors are away on their senior class trip.

Plot hole: Towards the end of the movie we see Mr. Wilson peek out from his front porch, surprised to see Dennis biking back home with his wagon carrying Switchblade Sam, tied-up and partly unconscious. Either Dennis must have some hidden super-strength or knew how to tweak the laws of physics there is no way that an eight-year-old kid of his build could carry an adult of that size to his wagon let alone easily bike home with Switchblade Sam's weight. Plus being an experienced criminal like Switchblade Sam he may have offered some resistance in being caught doing so much less submit to a mere kid. (01:50:00)

Plot hole: April and Kenshin switch place in time as they were - by some extraordinary coincidence - holding the scepter "at the same time" (if the concept makes any sense) in the exact same pose, with a switch that takes several second of intense lightning storms and 'tornado weather' as one of the Turtles put it. Here there is the assumption that 4 priests would be around the scepter exactly at the same time, and when the Turtles do switch with Norinaga's elite soldiers instead they certainly were in completely different poses, far away enough to ride horses, who did not get spooked one bit by the lightnings and sudden winds but rode as if nothing happened.