Stupidity: All that chaos going on at the end of the movie. Gun shots. Screaming. Blowing up police cars. Yet not one neighbor comes out to see what's going on.
Suggested correction: Gunshots and explosions going off at a neighbor's house isn't going to make me go and investigate. It's going to make me call the police and hide in my own house.

Stupidity: When Joey is trying to escape from the Cenobites, she bumps into a man who calls her "Baby" and wonders where she's off to in such a hurry, possibly because he's looking for a booty call. The streets are literally on fire (there's a huge flame right next to the man) and buildings are exploding. Even if he's extremely horny, he should still be able to tell a woman doesn't want to stay around with so much chaos and destruction happening around them.
Suggested correction: The dude was probably high on various types of drugs and probably didn't even know where he was. Just a thought.
Too high to recognize buildings exploding and fires bursting from out of nowhere, but not too high to recognize a woman in distress?
He didn't recognize much did he? Well, he saw she was female. But not really what was going on.
He recognized she was off somewhere in a hurry. He also had a pretty instant reaction to seeing the Camerahead Cenobite.