Best drama movie questions of 1992

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Newsies picture

Question: One of the mistakes on this site state that you can see Crutchy dancing without the use of his crutch. When and during which number?

Answer: During the "Two for a Penny" sequence in Carrying the Banner, you can see Crutchy dancing in one of the back rows on the right without his crutch. You can also see him walking without it behind David during the first Sieze the Day when David sings "Arise and seize the day!"

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Toys picture

Question: Why does General Leland use the gun to shoot a fly instead of a flyswatter? Why was he shooting at a guard?


Answer: In universe, it's likely because he's drunk and reckless, as you see him continuing to drink while doing it. Out of universe, it's a reference to the Confucius quote "Don't use a cannon to kill a mosquito."


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The Cutting Edge picture

Question: I'm no expert on figure skating, so could someone explain why Kate couldn't just become a single skater when she had trouble finding a partner to work with? (Her father says that they should have made her a single skater). To the untrained eye, the fundamentals of single and pair skating seem the same.


Chosen answer: One reason is that singles skating focuses on jumps. Pair skaters usually do side-by-side jumps like double axles and the easier triple jumps. Single skaters now do up to three triple jumps in a row - a skill that pair skaters do not work so hard to master and may set her back in competitions.

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Scent of a Woman picture

Question: What is wrong with Frank? He seems to have some mental illness considering his suicidal behavior and his random outbursts with his family and at the hearing at the end of the film.


Answer: He's not mentally ill. He was an arrogant, high-ranking military officer who blinded himself in a stupid accident which ended his career. He is now bitter, lonely, and sad. His outbursts are fueled by his anger, regret and the total loss of his former life and independence. He has become so emotionally despondent that he wants to end his life. I have to add, this is Al Pacino, and his acting tends to be over the top in most of his post "Godfather I and II" movies.


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