Question: Does Chip really have as many siblings as there are cups in the kitchen? Seems a bit too many, and also they aren't seen as real children at the end of the movie.

Question: On what grounds could the judge fire Lizzie? She didn't do anything wrong and when she got to the courtroom, she explained why she was late.
Answer: Being late and unreliable is what she did wrong. It's possible it was a pattern and she was warned about her tardiness before and not just a one time thing. Even though we can only speculate this, since that is all we see, it makes sense and adds to showing her life spiraling downwards.

Question: With many of the actors playing central characters reprising their roles, does anyone know why the princesses were re-cast?
Chosen answer: Kimberley Kates (who played Elizabeth in the first film) said in an interview on a B&T fan podcast that she and Diane Franklin were scheduled to reprise the roles, but then heard that they had been recast. She believed it was because the English director Peter Hewitt did not like English characters being played by American actresses.

Question: Is the food fight scene completely imaginary, or are the Lost Boys actually able to will food into existence by imagining it? I always thought it was the latter growing up and we as the audience didn't see it until Peter, as the audience's proxy, saw it for himself, but any YouTube videos I watch about this movie all seem to think all the food was just in everyone's collective imaginations.
Answer: Neverland very much runs on "If you believe, it will happen" which is what Tink means during the meal when she says "If you don't imagine yourself as Peter Pan you won't be Peter Pan." So by the rules of Neverland, as soon as Peter believed it was real it was then real. The dinner was trying to teach him to believe as, in Neverland, if you don't believe it then it won't happen.

Question: How did Gomez and Fester Addams get back up to the first floor from the vault? All they enter was the slides.
Answer: No doubt the Addams house had one of many secret, confusing passageways to get to the higher floors (and other parts of the house) from the vault that the viewer obviously is not privy to.
It made me confused that if there's another secret way up to the house other than the slides or the bookshelf even though Fester had trouble finding which chains to pull but couldn't find the right one, If there was another way into or out of the vault and that means Fester had to know there was if Gomez was with him than Fester would have try the other one too instead of the bookshelf.

Question: Has there ever been any explanation as to why Freddy was killing children?
Answer: In the book version of the first three movies, he took a saying from his abusive foster father: "Children are useless." He made it "Children are better off dead." He also killed one trying to rob him and felt a rush of adrenaline from it that he didn't want to lose, so he got addicted to killing.

Question: Can anyone give a reason as to why he was made younger after being hit with that gas tanker with the lips? It's true that he was once again immortal, but that doesn't mean that he should've reverted to the age he was in the first film.
Answer: Killing another immortal grants you their life energy. The energy returned his youth and powers.
Answer: The servants in the castle are transformed into enchanted objects because of the spell, but there are still plenty of other objects in the castle which were not originally people.
wizard_of_gore ★