Factual error: They hold a huge dance in the hangar at night, and Dennis leaves to walk to the Memphis Belle through the hangar doors, which are wide open. The whole flight line, tarmac and hangar are bathed with light - on a US Air Force base in East Anglia during the blackout. Blackout restrictions were rigidly enforced and were not eased until September 1944. The last mission of the Memphis Belle was in May 1943.

Factual error: At the end of the movie when Hawkins is cutting the guy's throat underwater no blood is visible.

Factual error: When Robert Redford looks at the radio he finds in Lena Olin's car, the radio's ID plate has a serial number beginning with 67-, which means it was paid for by the U.S. government with funds from fiscal year 1967 - eight years too new for a story from late 1958.