Factual error: Ryan, the laboratory technician, eats his lunch of burger and fries while discussing a murder case with Assistant D.A. Claire Kincaid. Trouble is, they are in his laboratory. No lab technician ever, ever eats or drinks in a laboratory - it is the most basic lab protocol imaginable. He could contaminate his samples in any one of a hundred ways, he inevitably contaminates his gloves or fingers with residue from his meal and he risks poisoning himself with accidental transfer. This is not a character error - lab security is hammered into science students starting with the first day of first year and number one on the list is never, ever eat or drink in your lab.

Factual error: In the scene where Anna is standing with George beside his father's GTO, Elaine suddenly runs in and pries her away from George. Elaine and Anna get into the cab. As the cab pulls away, the side door is marked as an NYC cab with a taxi license number, etc., but the license plate in the back is a California plate.

Class of Beverly Hills - S1-E1
Factual error: In this debut episode of the show, Andrea takes a bus home to "Van Nuys." After showing the bus heading to the valley on the 405 freeway, as she exits the bus, the street sign states "Gramercy Pl" which is in L.A. (not Van Nuys or the San Fernando Valley where she is supposed to be in). In addition, her house shows 548 to be the address. All addresses in Van Nuys are either four or five digits.

Factual error: When Kootie Pie is putting lipstick on at the beginning of the episode, her mole is on the right side of her face, but her reflection shows it to be her left. In the same shot, she speaks without moving her mouth. (00:00:43)

Honoria Glossop Turns Up (or, Bridegroom Wanted!) - S4-E3
Factual error: Sir Roderick has moved his psychiatric clinic to New York because the BMA wouldn't approve of his methods. Although we don't get exact dates for the episodes, since prohibition was in effect in the last episode and Puttin' On The Ritz came out in 1929, we can presume it's the late 20s/early 30s. The AMA wouldn't recognize psychiatry as legitimate medicine until the 1940s. Sir Roderick wouldn't have had any better luck in America.