Character mistake: Characters refer to the Dallas and the Red October as "ships," but anyone stationed aboard a submarine would know to call it a "boat."

Character mistake: When airport control makes the call to "change the boards" to delayed, Auckland (New Zealand) is spelled Aukland.

Character mistake: When Paul is looking through Annie's album, there is an article on her as a nurse. The headline has her name as Annie M. Wilkes. But, in the accompanying photo her name is listed as Annie C. Wilkes.

Character mistake: A newspaper is shown saying "Girls Body Found" as plural when it should be "Girl's Body Found" as a possessive.

Character mistake: When Harrigan is watching the surveillance video by Bill Paxton he states that the helicopter is a silver Alouette when it is actually an AS-350.

Character mistake: In the chicken restaurant, after Jump gives the kids change to play the games he ask the cashier how much is the food and the cashier says $57.70. After Jump again asks how much, the cashier then says $57.90.

Character mistake: G. Peppard holds up a Walther P-38 pistol and calls it a Walther PPK.

Character mistake: When David is at Nick's house looking at his motorcycles, he says "Oh wow, a '48 FL", then asks for the key and cranks it over with an electric starter. The first Harley with a starter was a 1965 FLH.