Factual error: In the scene that takes place on the number 7 train, Penn Station is a destination identifier. The 7 train does not go to Penn Station. It terminates at Times Square.
Factual error: When the police chief is looking at Danny's police file just before calling his father, you can see a few different phone numbers listed. These numbers are all using 213 as the area code which is for Los Angeles, CA. Given that the film takes place in New York City and that the addresses listed on the same police file are NYC addresses, the phone numbers should be using 212 area codes. (00:28:22)
Factual error: In the time Cry Baby is based, there was racial tension (the judge even makes a racist remark). The jails would have been segregated until 1965, yet when Cry Baby goes to jail, both white and black people are in the scene. That would only ever happen during rec time and meals.
Factual error: When John Ritter and his wife are sitting with the fertility expert, the doctor explains how her reproductive system is not functional. The manner in which he explains this would lead us to believe that she would have been physically unable to menstruate, thus she would have known long before this meeting that she was incapable of bearing a child.
Factual error: No handgun shots can throw a police officer through the air halfway over a diner. That's just pure Hollywood fantasy (Mythbusters even proved this using all kinds of guns).
Factual error: The Chicago Fire Dept fire truck is red but the real Chicago Fire Department colors are black over red. (00:59:20)
Factual error: When Paul hits Annie in the head with the 15 pound typewriter, she is only incapacitated for 2 or so seconds and has no bruising or bleeding on her face. One would think a typewriter this heavy would at least cause some type of injury to her face, such as bruising or bleeding to her face and would incapacitate her for longer than 2 few seconds.
Factual error: When Bill Cosby (as a ghost) goes to the doctor and the doctor checks his heart (which is not beating), Bill Cosby then presses play on a tape recording of a sound of a beating heart. The doctor hears this through the stethoscope, even though the tape recorder is behind Bill's back, which is not possible.
Factual error: At the beginning when one of the thieves steals the red Porsche, he opens the car with a tool but turns it on without the key in just one second.
Factual error: It's highly unlikely that any military police from another country would be allowed entry into the U.S. to search for a deserter of its military. In any case, the illegal alien would just hide here under the radar until found by ICE or the police and then deported back to his or her country.
Factual error: The film takes place in 1965. In Lawrence's description of his "I was white" dream, he refers to music by 3 Dog Night (which he calls "3 Dogs in the Night"), a group that was formed in 1967. He also references Creedence ("Clarence") Clearwater Revival, which was first called by that name in 1967.
Factual error: When McCoy gets off the subway, we see he is riding the number 1 train and he gets off at 77th Street station. First of all, the number 1 train runs on the west side of Manhattan, no where near his Park Avenue residence on the east side, and second, there are no 77th Street stops on the number 1 line.