E-I-E-I-(Annoyed Grunt) - S11-E5
Plot hole: When the Simpsons run away from the duel, they go to Homer's childhood farmhouse. But Homer and Grandpa burned the farmhouse down in the episode "Grandpa vs. Sexual Inadequacy".

Robo Koopa - S1-E52
Plot hole: Near the end, Robo Koopa sets down Dr. Nerdnik after he had just captured and held him hostage. Why would he do that? (00:11:55)

Plot hole: The Triforce of Wisdom is kept in Link's room up in a tower. It does seem logical to keep it with Hyrule's greatest hero to keep safe, but that's all you ever see protecting it. Hyrule is a large kingdom, and the Triforce of Wisdom is a vital part of keeping their community safe. Yet the only one protecting it is Link. And he's not with it 24/7. The room is not very secure either and is breached all the time by Ganon's forces. A kingdom like this would have knights to post all around the tower and be in Link's room when he's away. But nope, not here. (00:01:10)

Hone made aishite? Akane koi o fukuzatsu kossetsu - S1-E5
Plot hole: Dr. Tofu is able to tell that Ranma was hit by a softball (he says something about the marks like he actually sees them), but Ranma's wound is still covered by the bandage, that he'll remove in the next episode. This is linked to a larger mistake in the following episode. (00:19:55)