Continuity mistake: The batting order in the one-game playoff is Taylor-Dorn-Cerrano (as seen in the 7th), with Hayes batting before Taylor (as seen in the 9th). Cerrano hits the homer with two outs in the 7th, and Hayes is shown batting with nobody on, and two outs in the 9th. If they faced the minimum, Hayes would've been up with only one out (#5 batter gets the third out in the 7th, 6-7-8 batters get out in the 8th, and the #9 batter gets one out before Hayes). There's no way they could've gone through the line-up again without scoring a run. The furthest they could've gotten was the #8 batter (two spots before the leadoff Hayes) coming to bat in the 9th with two outs and nobody on. (01:23:30)

Continuity mistake: At the end of the final match, the announcement is made it's the first time in history the defending champion kept his title. Yet in Karate Kid 1 Johnny Lawrence had already won the championship twice and was there for his 3rd time.

Continuity mistake: When Annie and Ray are laying in the newly completed ball field, and Annie is drinking a glass of wine, it is sunset. The sun has gone down and the sky is just the faintest of pink on the horizon, the rest of the sky is a strong blue tone. Yet, when the camera cuts to a long shot, same angle of Ray and Annie, the horizon is now a brilliant red-orange taking up nearly a third of the sky. (00:16:20)

Continuity mistake: When Kurt goes grocery shopping for Xian, some kids splash him with water from the pump. During the entire rest of the scene, the water marks on his shirt keep changing size and shape, and grow quite considerably from the first small sprinkle. In addition, the back of his shirt is completely dry when he goes up to the store, but when the fight breaks out, almost all of his back is wet, and these stains also change shape from one moment to the next.